Dutch Passion TaNg's DP AutoXtreme Preview Grow in Airpots under Grownorthern LEDs.

Nice to see your spreading the word....:D


J i meant to tell you a while ago, that i switched the paper shopping bag... Primark do an awesome line in them and Free too boot..... They are a lot more durable then the ones your using now...
What a great result JTang, it was impressive all the way through

Krypto - outdoor performance is so hard to say at this stage, if you have a warmish climate like, say France, then I reckon you will do well in a sunny spot, let me know how you get on!

Got plenty of sun at 32N, I will be sure and let you know. What size containers do you suggest? Might even do a journal. J sold me the second he said soaring sativa buzz. Thanks for the reply Tony.
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Amazing work J! Great job! :clap::clap::clap:
Only 303? Better luck next time J.... :crying:
mr tang has done it again!:dance:what a harvest!:jaw:,,,slap smack again! i am almost convinced to buy airpot's:D my paper bag method is, hang dry for 75% of the time (based on rh) then in jar's to test rh, if rh is above 70% into bags for a couple of day's then test again, if not down to 65% back in bags for another day. when they are stable at 65% i keep them in the jar's and burp as needed. dont mean to highjack your thread but komach asked a question about the bag method.:buds:the oldtimer's all the way back to the sixtie's have used brown paper bags from start to finish, it doe's help keep flavor and smell. but after a point i think it should be moved to a jar because that locks in flavor, taste, and potentcy!:2cents:
the old timers never used jar's... i am talking waaay back! mr tang you have a green thumb stuck in your.........ear! i bet you thought i was gonna say your ass.:crack::gthumb:
j tang you are a beast of a grower bro.

303g with a soil grow! -- can you imagine if you had hydro?!

:slap: for an amazing harvest.
