Indoor taiga and polarlight #2 in dwc under l.e.d

If I remember correctly the Barneys Farm auto is little cheese. It's supposed to be a low yielder but very good smoke. I'm sure you'll take care of the low yielding part :D

they said the same thing about the pineapple express aswell but ive seen loads of people yield between 3 - 5 oz from her and the smoke was very tasty
Yes sir!! I take the seed banks strain report ad serious as a US weather mans. There both wrong about 90% of the time :crying: look forward to seeing these ladies fatten
Up in the next
Few weeks.
Thank answers to the EC values

The MI5 the hydroponic fully with reference to the EC and PH
it could be anything from over feed to ph reading, i try and check my ph meter at least once a week to make sure its 100% i know this isnt necessary but having the plants out of range can be the difference between a good grow and a bad grow, with my "think different" this is what my problem was

my ph pen is the new bluelab one, not the cheapest but you get what you pay for and it has a years warranty

the taiga is getting really big at the minute and stands at 95cm tall, she is trying to dominate the space, both plants are feeding about 2ltrs a day and the polarlights has thc forming on her leaves, bless her she is also the most sensitive to nutrients but i have faith that she will still produce the goods :thumbs:

the aroma is getting quite heavy now as well ive got a nutty hazy smell filling the grow space if that makes sense lol

can anybody believe that these only yield 30g-50g per plant in ideal conditions??

if dutch passions have any job vacancies for a decent grower you better send me an apllication form although i will charge top hourly rates haha :D not looking to shabby for only 300 watts of l.e.d if im being honest


Cheers for the advice seymour, also i had to start them in peat pellets because they do not sell rockwool on the island i live on, do you think a ball of cotton wool would do the job as the roots can grow on through just like rockwool???:peace:
Hey Seymour correct me if I'm wrong but Mario's starting ppm is very high and his ending ppm is a little low thus he is not getting very many usable nutes and the 300-+ppm could be all sorts of things I know in the US you could have everything from fluoride to mercury even prescription pills and antibiotics from farms. A simple Brita filter will reduce that to maybe 80+- ppm but a zero water filter will bring to zero.
Also after weeks of reading your threads it was very exciting to see you respond to my long winded question after I got caught up.
Hey Seymour correct me if I'm wrong but Mario's starting ppm is very high and his ending ppm is a little low thus he is not getting very many usable nutes and the 300-+ppm could be all sorts of things I know in the US you could have everything from fluoride to mercury even prescription pills and antibiotics from farms. A simple Brita filter will reduce that to maybe 80+- ppm but a zero water filter will bring to zero.
Also after weeks of reading your threads it was very exciting to see you respond to my long winded question after I got caught up.

you cant 100% diagnose the guys problem without pics so i reffered to what caused my plants to brown at the tips, if the starting ppm is high it just means you will run higher ppms throughout the grow or you get a filter to get a lower starting point, his problem could be underfeed also because he already stated he hasnt added much nutrient, again these are all assumptions based on a theroetical question without eveidence of the problem but for a full diagnosis there is a cannabis infirmary

hope this helps
you cant 100% diagnose the guys problem without pics so i reffered to what caused my plants to brown at the tips, if the starting ppm is high it just means you will run higher ppms throughout the grow or you get a filter to get a lower starting point, his problem could be underfeed also because he already stated he hasnt added much nutrient, again these are all assumptions based on a theroetical question without eveidence of the problem but for a full diagnosis there is a cannabis infirmary

hope this helps

Cheers for all your help guys, i think one of my main problems is i had to start in a peat pellet because the island on which i live does not sell rockwool, the pellet breaks up into the water which im guessing cant be helping, is there anything else i can use to start my dwc other than rockwool cubes???limited resources here thats island life for you!!!:peace:
Cheers for all your help guys, i think one of my main problems is i had to start in a peat pellet because the island on which i live does not sell rockwool, the pellet breaks up into the water which im guessing cant be helping, is there anything else i can use to start my dwc other than rockwool cubes???limited resources here thats island life for you!!!:peace:

jiffy coir pellets will work, i only use rockwool cubes and never had to look for an alternative method for seedlings