Tags, are they working?

Bigg Al

Closet grower, auto cob lover!
Cultivators Club
Mar 29, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Berry Bomb, Auto Glueberry OG
I dont know what's going on but none of the people that I tag Into my grow journals have come by. Are the tags working? I tag @wes, @bushmasterar15 @davisgirl @Ash-a-Ton @Dabber into my auto glueberry journal and only Davis girl has come by. I know dabber was having problems at home so I know he's been busy. Just not seeing the traffic that other people are getting to their journal.
I dont know what's going on but none of the people that I tag Into my grow journals have come by. Are the tags working? I tag @wes, @bushmasterar15 @davisgirl @Ash-a-Ton @Dabber into my auto glueberry journal and only Davis girl has come by. I know dabber was having problems at home so I know he's been busy. Just not seeing the traffic that other people are getting to their journal.
I got this tag. Try in the actual thread again and I'll let you know
I got this tag but sometimes I don’t, so not sure whassup.
I've only come across 2 that I've not had notifications for:


And this due to edit


I got this tag but sometimes I don’t, so not sure whassup.

I have a sneaking suspicion of what it might be, if it is indeed what it may be. I'll add it to my to-do to check out
Well, I re-tag everybody already into my journal. Just seeing if anyone comes