Indoor Syrup, Pineapple express, S.a.d., & Speedy Gonzales -- Herbie's Pick n Mix

i was talkin bout the Dr feelgood but i did have a greenhouse seeds the church fem that turned out to be a 6' male
My bad bro! Yeah it too was in Happy Frog with Great White Myco... I have no idea what happened there... It must have been fried by my HPS... Maybe it's very sensitive? Not sure there...
So, I'll get the bad news out of the way first... I fell pretty bad on my property yesterday and cracked a rib and nearly broke my wrist. Also my bad leg from the wreck I twisted so I'm a mess today... The rib is the worst part so it's very difficult for me to stay on the laptop for periods of time. So, picture updates will be sparse until my rib gets a bit better. Plus it's hard to type with my hand/wrist.

The Speedy Gonzales that was supposed to be fem but is a boy is a nice healthy boy! So nice I'm going to let him pollinate my ladies.

The Pineapple Express showed pistils today. So it's a Fem. Still waiting on the Syrup, Flash Babylons, & Dr. Feelgood. Also the AA should be showing any day now.

I don't know what the deal with Herbie's is lately but I haven't had very good germ ratios with their bean stock lately. The 3 Little Cheese...

Only 1 came out and is in the dirt. The other 2... One opened up, came out like a cm and then just stopped. The other bean isn't doing anything. But they are still in the PT. We'll see.

The Samsara Shot Adrenaline also germed and is in the dirt today.
Oh man sounds like you have had a bad day... Bust ribs are agony.

In my professional opinion I would prescribe one scalding hot bath and one big fat joint ;)

Good news about the pineapple and the cheese... bummer about the rest though.

I think I saw in Seymour's thread that if the seeds sink after being in water for a short time they are fresh. Might be worth a try to check for yourself next time.

I have never tried as I go straight into the soil. I was thinking of adopting this pre-soaking method just out of interest.
Hey Snooch! Thanks bro! I usually put the beans I get in the fridge for 5 - 7 days, then let them sit for 2 days at room temp, then germ. The last few orders from Herbie's I just went straight to PT. Some beans no problem but most didn't germ.

Maybe I should refridgerate all my beans first no matter where they come from... Seems to do the trick.
Quick update...

1 Syrup doing GREAT. Looks to be a total indica. Should show sex any day.
1 Pineapple Express doing GREAT. Just starting to pop pistils.
1 Speedy Gonzales. Keeping him. Waiting to collect his pollen.
2 Flash Babylons doing well.
1 Dr. Feelgood. Looking extremely funky. Don't know how that's going to turn out.
1 AA doing GREAT. Should show sex any day.
3 more AA in the dirt.
1 Little Cheese out of the dirt today.

11 plants in total so far! Whew... Looks to be a jungle here soon enough. I'll get pics up when I can.
Here's a quick few pics. I can't lift anything so bear with my photos... Here's the list thus far...

5 AA (1 female so far)
1 Syrup Female
1 Pineapple Express Female
1 Dr. Feelgood
2 Flash Babylon
1 Little Cheese
1 Shot Adrenaline

SYRUP, AA, PE, OC, & BABIES.JPG Clockwise from bottom left corner -- Syrup, Assassin, P.E. that little one on bottom right is my Photo Orange Crush at day 9. Also some of my baby JEMS & Dragons on the right.

SYRUP, AA, PE, OC, FB, & BABIES.JPG same as above just expanded... The babies there are in another thread... The top right you can see the 2 Flash Babylons

FLASH BABYLON.JPG the one on the left is a bit stunted. Don't know why. The one on the right is at day 16

DR FEELGOOD_11-30-11.JPG this is the Dr. Feelgood. I don't know why the hell it's burnt. I didn't do anything different than I normally do. But it looks like it's in hot soil. It's not. Ah.. Test Strains lol I'm keeping her going til she yields or croaks LOL She'll be stunted if she lives but I don't mind!
that's quite a nice line up you got going WVR!hope you start feeling better bro!looks like your gonna have your hands full in a few weeks.:ladies::clap::clap::smokebuds:
Woah 8) some crop you got going there man! You are gonna be rolling in buds soon haha.

Oh and by the way I think that seedling karma you sent arrived today (takes a few days long distance) :D all of my new seedlings have sprouted.

Anyway, looking Good. Take it easy and get well soon :)