Blueberry Kush!! That sounds incredible!!! I'm all ears! Is it an Auto?! Tell me more! Tell me more!! LOL

Blueberry Kush and Burmese Kush sound good together... Blue Buku or Buku Blue... Yum Yum!
LOL Well here's an update. I lost an AA in the HF, don't know why... BUT I had another AA pop UP so that's 2 outta 3. I can dig that!
I had to check on the progress on the Flash Babylon and I couldn't find one but the other one looks to be anchored and about to rise up anytime. it has that curled over look you know... Just before they raise their little heads up!
Can't find the S.A.D. either... I'll dig a little better in a few here to try again to find the one FB and the S.A.D.
The Dr. Feelgood has split it's shell and should hopefully be out in the next 24-36 hours.
Since the S.A.D. & Flash Babylon have gone M.I.A. in the soil I have decided to germ the other Dr. Feelgood & the other Flash Babylon. I have them sitting out now for 48 hours. Had them in the fridge... So it's best to let them get to room temp before trying to germ.
I ordered some Mossy's Purple JEMS last week so they should be here anyday. I'm going to start a thread for them once I get them going.
SO at present time here is the head count...
1 Syrup above ground, 1 Speedy Gonzo above ground, 1 Pineapple Express above ground, 2 AA's above ground. 1 Flash Babylon about to be out within 18-36 hours.