Sweet Seeds SWEETS from da Swamp!!!!

Im Full fledge on it bro ...
There comingback with that as the stablizer bro i feel it in my bones ...

Yeah bro i Can Throw a Knife but if i can hit correctly.is.50/40 .it would still hurt ahuman or leaves a flat mark ...
I can Shoot pretty.good for having HAVING adhd ....
Was tought to hunt from..chilhood in da Swamp ..

,,i want a Crossbow so bad ...Theresnow laws.right for them ..
500 yerrds bro ....she can go that far ....

I never measured one just shot an old school one couldnt hardlypull it ...was almost gladiator type with that big Rod

I can Put some armor on and bet i could wreck.some.shop.i was awesome.with PugalsAnd have used the but end ofa weapon before,,,
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Jarred 13 grams of basicallyliquirocie smelling nuggets ..

The flavor needs a week or so .i can really pick it ...it has a few flavors.and is still quite green lol :wiz:

Cream.Manderine on her final fewwaterings ...
Shes getting a good flush on this ...
Then she dries and drinks 2 more water feeds ..
She gonna be taken Around 10 weeks ..
And The Next Manderine ...oh Man she is getting large

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:cuss::cuss::cuss:I did it again, Swamp...my fault this time... I lost 40 min. of work just now, trying to switch windows, but didn't quite hit the right spot and it closed the post window!! :poof: *sigh* 2 times in a row now... quit for a while, too pissed... apologies, mon amie!
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Nice! looks like you're going to have some very tasty flavours :GoooAuto:
Thanks for share this great, funny and muddy work ;)
Sweet smokes!
I cant Wait to.grow the BLACK CREAM.AGAIN..
ITS almost at a good point but im sure the 8th for long cure does well ...

For 8 weeks Seed to harvest its tasty more earthy then the smell gives ...
Im sure it will.sweeten up tho when u squeeze these dence nuggs the perfume is spicy and very caco bean roasty ...
More chocolaty in My nasal ...
I do like it but i think my Next one will be around 80days:D:

Ill try and do.a Smoke report Again but the timing is giving me.problems....

Sshirtens yr Post Waria ....
Congrats on your semi-harvest Swamp.:Cushty: All the other ladies are looking great as well very mouthwatering :drool:
:stylez rasta smoke: :booya: :booya: :woohoo::dance2: :dance2: :smoke:​

:D: That about sums it up for what gooood in da Swamp!!

That LED roast has done it's magic on da CM, man did she like that or what? How about that frost, Swampy?... I think CM may even top the BC/RP family, and that is saying something! Mind the hammer she swings too, brudda! It pretty much moves the decimal point of your IQ to the left one step!! :roflcry: Beautiful job on her Swampy! ... But,...fine as she is, that young'un is shaping up to be a Big Mama! Her branching is crazy good, seriously... I'm not so sure she's going to fire off a central missile cola, but maybe rather pour more energy into those well formed laterals and turn into a total shrub!... which would be a damn fine thing, IMO :brow:
:drool: Special Needs indeedy!! -LOL!... Oh my, BC surely do look rich and tasty,...I think her color actually deepened as she dried! :wiz: That's about as dark of a purple as I've seen to date Swamp, and true to form, looks like you rolled her in table sugar... love the sound of those aromatics too! :High 5:... gauging from your yield, my RP's should be a bit less than that,... we'll see soon, as they're almost ready! I got me a little nugg' on the fast track (easy to do now, it's about 85 out now, and RH is in the upper 20's%... good timing, as the SwSp and OGO were harv'ed this morning... post later!)... Well done, mon amie!! I can't wait to see what that CM shrub is gonna do! **** Bourdain is a hoot! I catch his show now and again; I caught part of one a while back when he was in Morocco,... Hash Heaven!! His comments were hilarious, and you know he sample summa dat, even if they didn't go there on camera! As usual, the food looked delish'.... LOL!!- what's all this about movin' to Spain with your hot baker lady?? She da same one from CO?.....not a bad plan! -you could go hang with our Spaniard brudda's Jaypp and Tommy!! How cool would that be? :stylez rasta smoke:
:stir: :roflcry: Oh Man, don't even get Sniper started on his toys!! That man is a human catalogue... Sniper, that crossbow is gnarl's !... :Stones slap: does that say 345fps?! Sit-the -bed! Buy lots of bolts,.. doesn't seem likely that they'll be recoverable again, even if you find them!... *** No, I don't have much of an arsenal, though a couple years ago I picked up a very nasty folder from SpyderCo called the Civilian; made for non-combatants in various agencies, it's a very heavily serrated harpy-type blade made with VG-10 steel.. hope I never have to use it!
Sweet Seeds is loaded with interesting strain, huh! I poked through the catalogue the other day, looked at the ones you liked and some that DubV is cookin' up right now!... The Sativa's are very enticing, with interesting lineage.... wonder what Tommy and Jaypp have to say about'm! :booya: :brow:​
Dude the Cream.manderine yes ...
Outshine them bro by far ....

I dig those colors tho bro ...
Black cream.Is amazing too none the less ...
Jayp Had told Me.By Far Cream.Manderine is the elite of his favs ...

She is amazing.bro and the rootbuilder will be a fatter ...
Shes just starting to form the cola bro and she ate Seagrow at Snipers dose ...that top.started moving today shes under PAR

IM gonna let that be my monster ...
I didnt want to keep getting Skimpy jars ...
The last 3 weeks she will.go under 400 w HPS ALL alone to.see what i can.flower out on hawaiian Bud ..
Cream.Manderine.is a.frost machine yes...
Do they look milky enuff yet