Sweet Seeds SWEETS from da Swamp!!!!

Both looking Beautiful Swampy! ador that first pic of the Black Cream, I think it made me CC in my pants! Max Turkey Rep Slapnammys Horney:slap:
Great looking girls swampy :)
:High 5:
:five: S-man.puls a :slap: for some sweet beauts oh yh likes.jpgPeace Kudo.jpg
Thanks Fellas,,,
Black Cream.finally toning those smells.down

Its almost perfect Chocolate jelly Beans ..
Her top is going dark the led is about 3 inches away roasteing her
Let see her true colors

Thanks for the Love :smokebuds::hug:
Beautiful work Swamp! I hope my BC gets that fat!!! :drool:
I think Youll.have alot more.Mississ :hug:

It smells.amazing tho
Boogie says it prime.choice at 65 days too ..
Smells.like chocolate Liquoruce Jelly and some.times.u will get a Whiff of what The Ccd Smells.like

It will carry the same earthy coffee tones
:piggy Hug: Iooouuuu-weii!! Da Chez Big'un got dem spice shakah's in bot' han's, an' he mean bit-ness!! Ah knew ah smelt summn good cookin' ova' he-yah,...:stir: :hot: :wiz: ... 3 pages a' dis porn dun set ma pants ahn fi-yo! :smoke: :crying: .... beg pardon, mon amie, ah been remiss in keepin' up,...:Stones slap:- feel free to tan ma hide an' flop it on da floor! :beast:

Da = The
Dat = That
Dem = Them.
Biggun = Big One

Chez = Chef
Lets start there and maybe Waria will help.with a Few
<--- Ayuuh! Ima help you out summ-oh wit' dis, brudda Jaypp!! ...'cause you one-a da good'uns...:tiphat: (I'll help you out some more with this, because you're one of the good ones!)
Le'see,.. (let's see) starting with the above opening lines, according to the English to Swampanese Dictionary, go summn lahk dis (goes something like this): *...shakah's in bot' han's* = shakers in both hands; *an' he mean bit-ness* = and he means business (he is serious)
*ah*= I
*summn*= something
*..ova' he-yah*= over here
*..a' dis porn dun*= of this porn (has) done...
*ma*= my
*ahn*= on
*fi-yo!*= on fire! (en fuego) ...........Okay, Jaypp :D:, there will be a quiz next Weds.! :X's Evil Laugh x: Swampy, ah dun good? :wiz:......
Who wanna go to da Cajun skool 2Day
I just saw your English to swamp translation chart for Jay. :crying: I needed that.
I ask Musturd sometimes, he's pretty fluent in "Swamp" , I'm getting better. :thumbs:
Dat derz deez dogz danglieeeeezzzz :thedogsbollocks::WTF:
<-- Yes!! :roflcry: Vira' make ma tummy ache!
.... :brow: Ida no', Swamp, meh-bee Bromeo an' da Mississzz needs a-take uh refresher course tuu!! :roflcry: Ah un'erstand ya jus' fine....:shrug: :D:

****Whoa! :booya: Swampy, that gorgeous BC is closing up shop like she's running from the law!! ...big changes in just a few days,.. I love it! The roasting is just the magic she needed,... Man, do you get the nicest shades of purple or what?... a rich lavender... Lordy, how we love our Sweets!! Every one is a frost machine :thumbs: .... LOL!- classic fat nose-cone top cola!...at the rate she's finishing, maybe go easy on the HB?....Interesting mixes and changes in her perfume, huh!... wonder where it'll end up by harvest,... :wiz:
...oooOOoooo,.... CM is a porn star, Swampy! That one has it all going on,.. build, bulk(!!)- wow, serious fattening in the last 4 days or so!...You're gonna go nuts when the frost starts to get just plain thick! Cm really pours it on in the last few weeks.... Mmm-mm! -yes, her density will be very good indeed, especially under that LED! I'm going to enjoy watching this'un drive you nutters! LOL!!
LOOKS like a fat girl.with a hot dude
Shes happy :check:
<--:roflcry:..... Swamp, is there diesel in CM's lineage? ********** Ima get a runnin' start for dis'un!...big, fat Cajun sausage-fingered :slap:
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Waria bro I think It Began With NYCD .THEn worked down to a 3Rd generation and touched with there Ice Cool
I it does smell Amazing

Your right BC doesnt like HB I GAVE it to her at Half dose she exploded but its forcing her to which i dont like
But shes budding and budding fast ...

Cream manderine Loves HB AT half Dose shes dynos ....,
Im gonna finish her around 80 + if she allows ...
The CM.following

She wont be TOTAL.tlo.anymore...
I Need Volume for the Winter.
She was 28 days today so she ate Seagrow 16-16-16 at 1/2 tsp. That Put some groove in heroh My

Here they are next to each other ....
2Gal VS .. quart

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