Today we continue to populate the soil with nutrient feeding microbes and beneficial bacteria.
It is estimated there are between 1 million upwards of 1 billion bacteria present and alive in a symbiotic microbial community in just one teaspoon of a living soil. This is exceptional grow talk that is gaining the attention of growers, both newbies and masters, breeders, and researchers. This takes me back to the early 1980's, as I started growing outdoors. We didn't have a internet, no forums for help, and PROHIBITION ran supreme... I would plant and my plants would struggle from the very start often dying, if they lived they had shitty growth and shitty yield. I was frustrated, its a damn weed, how come I can't make it grow? I came across a older hippie whom we would score from back then, very fresh bud, potent and amazing for the times, come to find out he was growing it. I asked for his advice, he told me to go to the mountains and collect soil. Find soil that has a lot of vegetative growth, dig it up, worms and all, dead leaves and decaying vegetation, and mix it with whatever potting soil I could find. So I did, and planted. Something strange happened, they actually started growing, and looking healthy...….But why? What was in this dirt? I had no clue, and I don't think the hippie did either. I look back at this now and realize that soil was filled with beneficial microbes and fungi and bacteria, which helped the plants be lush and sustain life. This has always had a major impact on me. There are many ways to grow, many love pure Hydro, it is all fine, whatever formula you find that not only works for you but encourages you to advance your knowledge is a great thing. I have grown both ways, and for me soil is my choice, IMO the final product has a better flavor, I am not a big fan of synthetic chemicals used in hydro grows, with that said many of you are doing outstanding work in Hydro, I respect it, it just isn't my method of choice.
What is exciting today for soil growers is being able to buy very specific species of microbes. I use specific strains for nitrogen generation, for protection from virus and pathogens and also for Phosphorus. Now that my Red Poison is entering pre bloom, I use a specific product called MegaPhos which has microbes that solubilize phosphorus (Bacillus Megaterium) make it more available for plant uptake in the root zone.
My sweet baby, shoot out pistils seeking pollen, so you can preserve your species, soak up the light as you enter flower at only 21 days of life, when you 1st popped ground. Your time to mature is coming, enjoy your life, a simple life, grown on my desk.