New Growth

Shes Gotten Better ..
But she is On 12/12 ... i think Ill try and Move her back is that ok !!!:dunno:
Ok so ..
Double White 2.83l pot
Basically a TLO mixture a YEAR olD ..
UGHH !!! Have been anOk soil Mostly just needs water and Molasses to uptake...
Missed some Feed with the Girl and She went crazy wasnt moving Getting Hungry and This Lady can Eat.
So 3 Feeds in her .
Grandmas Molasses 10ml
N-Cal-Mag 2-0-0 Growmore
Seagrow 4-26-26 1/2 tsp
She dries that pot pretty fast Maybe 18 hours max ..
Per Bag requirements .
Rock Phosphate 1/8 tsp
Seabird Guano 0-12-0
Bat Guano 0-9-2
Compost Tea
HandfulOf EWC
KELP.meal.ALFALFA meal
Molasses rock Phosphate
Oyster shells ..All in 1/4 tsp
Alfalfa And Kelp 2 tbls per gallon Brewed 48 hoyrs foam tastic ph 6.8 ..
I mostly feed by Guessing ..
But i calculate often.
By goly i am aboht to grab a tent....
Ill be damn Im gonna get this Super conditions im not dealing with this shit again ...
Im so behind on Meds...and I smoking street bought Blue Dream