Nutrients Sweet Seeds Dark Devil Autos with coco in Autopots using BioTabs.

Okay was getting ready to drop my seeds into the autopots when I realized I never mixed in the dry ingredients. Real stoner moment as I'm looking at 30 liters of coco/perlite I have to dig back out of the pots. So I went to work, grabbed my big storage tote, and dug out the medium down to the hydroton. I then added the Startrex and Mycotrex mixed well and put back in the pots.

I then put the two seeds that cracked first, one in each pot dead center and the extra two seeds went over to the side of the pot closest to the air hose both with a healthy dose of Mycotrex in the holes. Whichever looks the worse will be culled. Not starting off this test grow with any stunted seedlings. Watered with Orgatrex and Bactrex mixture and covered with humidity domes. Weird thing was, after watering them in, I still had about two liters of coco that would not go back into the container it came out of. Holding that back for when/if the pots need topping off later.
Couple of pics just to post something, so, here ya go, two big pots filled with coco. :smoking:
Subbed up hemi looking good I like the idea of back up pots great idea
As long as I get the timing right within a week or two of harvest it lets you get a three week jump on the next grow. Now trying to decide what to do with the coco from the harvested grow in between grows. I was thinking about getting a large trash can and throwing it in roots and all and adding water, some pond enzymes, and some Recharge along with an airstone and letting it cook for a week. Then just strain it out and dump it back into the autopots for another round. My first time with coco and want to get as much use as possible before it goes on the compost pile.

I like how you've tagged the pots with biotabs stickers, I imagine this isn't just cosmetic but is to remind you not to throw any non tabs nutes on. ;)
:crying:That's what I like about you, always giving me credit where it ain't due. I'm not that smart, I just thought they looked perty :shooty:Heck, if I was being smart about it, I would have put them on differently so I could tell one plant from the other. :rofl: I think I will go change them now before I hit this again. :pass:
As long as I get the timing right within a week or two of harvest it lets you get a three week jump on the next grow. Now trying to decide what to do with the coco from the harvested grow in between grows. I was thinking about getting a large trash can and throwing it in roots and all and adding water, some pond enzymes, and some Recharge along with an airstone and letting it cook for a week. Then just strain it out and dump it back into the autopots for another round. My first time with coco and want to get as much use as possible before it goes on the compost pile.

:crying:That's what I like about you, always giving me credit where it ain't due. I'm not that smart, I just thought they looked perty :shooty:Heck, if I was being smart about it, I would have put them on differently so I could tell one plant from the other. :rofl: I think I will go change them now before I hit this again. :pass:

Just occurred to me, and yes credit is given where due, I foresaw you would have this thought after my comment. :rofl: It makes sense after all the sour bubbly kief I've been vaping, very 'clean' high and 'on another plane'.. if that makes sense...
I have a question about this. Gardening with other species, rotating crops so that those specific enzymes breaking down dead roots from last grow season, dont start attacking healthy roots of new plant grow. So pepper plant roots will get compsted...for tomato plants next time...etc..

Is that not a risk with this species?
Not sure my friend, coco is all new to me and I will be researching it more soon but if you have information please share. I know with BioTabs they say you can use the same medium with the roots up to four times, simply by cutting the main stem off below the surface and re-inoculate it with their bacterias and start over again.
Day 3

Well a lot has happened over the last five days. Three out of four of the beans made it to the surface on or about Thursday the 13th. I waited a couple extra days and yesterday I scooped up the bean that did pop on the side of the pot and stuck it in the center. I think the mini transplant went well and she seems happy tonight. Gave them 500ml of Orgatrex each and got minimal runoff. I still have two in the one pot and will let them go another week or so to see which is stronger but so far the center bean is looking best.

On their first day out of the dirt I could have sworn I saw a flare of red on the coty leaves, maybe the devil showing itself?:yoinks: Next day it was gone! :poof: Or maybe it was the LSD25 I had been smoking, I'm not sure. :rofl:

Anyhow here is how they look on day 3.