Bromeo! ... what "super soil" is this? I have direct experience with this from using KindSoil and Biotabs,... basically, you decide if you're going to stay fully organic, or a mix (what I do), or synthetic,... What I did was feed synthetics at first because of their immediate availability, and to tackle the defc.'s right away... if it's P that's going defc., it'll make a shit-show of bloom if you don't get that PK up and working ASAP,... after you get some fast-foods in them, you can go back to organics if you like,.. but your soil herd must be stout! Some synthetics use will not be detrimental to them, only if so much gets in there that it fucks up the whole osmotic deal in the root zone, and starts to burn..... Ripp's rec' is good, I like Recharge as well,.. make a tea brudda, with that, some molasses, a little bit nutes, EWC,..aerate overnight,...
.... Oh, I'd add Si and a micronute supplement for sure as well, these are majorly important for the metabolism and transport of the other nutes, and very likely also lacking in the soil,...