New Grower Sunny South Africa 2: 4 Strains w/macro photos

A little fertilizer might help ... start them weak and build up ... :headbang:
Thanks for bearing with me, everyone! Here comes a dump of a few posts in the order that they should have happened!
So for 6 September 2016 (day 18 or so) I noticed my Sweet Tooth developing the first symptoms of a Calcium deficiency. I flushed (coco - probably not buffered) and went out and got some Cal-Mag, increased the pH of the liquid feeding and also did a bit of foliar feeding. Happy to say that as of now this girl is doing just fine.
That's what i get for using off-the-shelf coco peat!!! This caught me by surprise because my first/previous grow last year was in the same brand peat, but I had no problems with any deficiencies.
ST_06Sep_1.JPG ST_06Sep_3.JPG ST_06Sep_4.JPG
For 9 September 2016:
Just some photos taken outside under natural sunlight. (growing them under sunlight).
Reminder for viewers: Fast Ryder is 5 days behind the others.
All of them are finally starting to grow now that the temperatures down here are starting to warm up.
Edit: Oh white balance is all off for these photos. Much too blue. See post from 17 Sept for a better colour balance.
Fast Ryder:
Grape Muerto:
Sweet Tooth:
White Moscow:
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Subbed up. Love the macros what camera are you using.

"carpe diem"
Hi Islandgrower! Glad you like the macros.
I'm using a Panasonic FZ50 with a Raynox 250 macro lens. A diffused flash helps with some of the indoor photography.
The Raynox makes macro photography easy! Just wait until we start getting some trichomes on this grow, that's my favourite part to macro-photograph.
09 September 2016 later that evening after a sunny day of growing:
White Moscow confirmed female, Sweet Tooth confirmed female, and Fast Ryder confirmed female!!
The Fast Ryder, being 5 days behind the others while still showing feminine organs at the same time indicates this plant is living up to its name!

Sweet Tooth:
STFem_09Sep_1.JPG STFem_09Sep_2.JPG

White Moscow:
WMFem_09Sep_2.JPG WMFem_09Sep_3.JPG

Fast Ryder:
For 17 September 2016:
Realize I haven't posted a group photo in nearly 3 weeks - so here they are (including some photo bombing H.kush's which popped 6th and 9th September; 1 in coco and 1 in soil, respectively).
From left to right: White Moscow, Grape Muerto, Sweet Tooth and Fast Ryder. The White Moscow and Sweet Tooth are measuring in at 34cm.
The Grape Muerto had a severe Calcium deficiency (a major problem for this grow affecting 2 of my plants!) but I managed to stop it a few days ago. (as of time of posting on 19 Sept, still doing fine, Ca deficiency is under control). It's interesting to see that the White Moscow really is the most forgiving plant of the group, going VERY strong.
