New Grower Suki's Perpetual Grow-a-thon

Day 31 - WMD

Last day in the 2x2 for this girl! She had fully taken over the tent lol so I figured it was time. I knew she was massive but it wasn't till I got her moved to the 4x4 that I realized just how monstrous she had become lol. Nowhere near done stretching, she's already towering over the Aurora Borealis and probably twice as wide lol. Really excited to see what I end up getting from her. If she is as vigorous in flower as she's been in veg I have a feeling she will easily surpass the 60(ish) grams I got from my biggest plant from my first run.


Now that big sister is out of the way, I think this girl will more than likely spread out quite a bit. Still no real stretch on her yet, but it does seem that the repeated toppings early on do end up pushing back the onset of flower by quite a bit. I have a feeling that now that she has more space and light she will take off in earnest.
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I think I may let her go a few more days but not 100% sure yet. Took a tester bud yesterday and vaped it wet. A few minutes later I had the spins real bad, followed by nausea to the point where I had to lay down. Woke up two hours later with an awful headache. Not sure if it was specifically from her or what but it was not at all a good time.
Reminds me of a jade tree.
Lookin great sis!! Looks like that Cheese is almost there. :jointman:
Plants are looking real nice and healthy, those pics of the trichs… man she is covered!