New Grower Suki's Perpetual Grow-a-thon

Day 16 - Knows Candy

Looks like she may be recovering? All three of them are definitely way behind where they should be though which sucks. Still debating pulling them and restarting; while I hate to do it, I also want to be able to do the genetics right.
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I think most will be fine. Maybe not that one in the 4th pic LOL. What did you dose them with when you transplanted?
They got water with humic/fulvic acid and labs, just like the Bruce Banner girl. I did nothing different, but they had already started to get unhappy in the 3" pots before I transferred them. This whole issue is why I prefer to plant directly into their final pots cause I've had issues with transplant shock more often than not.
I always sow in final pot. They look like they'll grow out of it.
I read somewhere about autos that were delayed like yours, timelines being
slowed down while they were not growing. The evidence was anecedotal
but hopefully they will grow out nice. Worth a shot.