New Grower Suggestions for drainage management..

Jan 15, 2015
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Heya :) So I'm starting my first grow sometime within the next couple of weeks. It's going to be inside, in a mostly concealed area. (Grow box of some sort, still working that out). One thing I haven't given much thought until now is how to manage the runoff when watering my plants. I was thinking of setting all of the pots in some sort of tray that was several inches deep, and a tarp under that to accommodate for any spills. What I'm not too sure about is what to do about getting the water out of the tray without making a giant mess.

Any suggestions?

Much appreciated!
Ah. great idea. I don't know why that didn't occur to me. Then i suppose just move the plants and dump the water, and done.
For this first grow I'm trying 3 gal. Root Pouch pots. I saw them on Nirvana and did a little reading in to them and they seem like they will be a decent pot. That's one of the reasons I was extra concerned with the drainage situation because they are made from recycled cotton are going to be wet to the touch. Definitely going to get some of tubs.
Hi, BknBits :) I love the Root Pouches. I've been using them on my current photo grows, and they are easy to water, and the plants are happy campers. If you haven't ordered them yet, get the ones with handles-they come in handy! One tip on the pouches- make sure you lift them with a tray underneath, because the roots "can" get snapped/damaged if you horse them around. Other than that, they rock! Best to you in your grow!
Hi, BknBits :) I love the Root Pouches. I've been using them on my current photo grows, and they are easy to water, and the plants are happy campers. If you haven't ordered them yet, get the ones with handles-they come in handy! One tip on the pouches- make sure you lift them with a tray underneath, because the roots "can" get snapped/damaged if you horse them around. Other than that, they rock! Best to you in your grow!

Thanks for the tip! I am actually going to get the ones with handles. :) I thought they looked neat and would be a lot easier to move with the pot being flexible.