Day 6. Im not happy with the color spectrum of the regular vivosun m/h. I feel bad my photos got the blue m/h so im gonna order another blue here in a few days. Check the difference in specs.
the soil looks dry but i backfill with roots organic as she stretched pretty tall. She should be kickin ass by next update
Wow this sucker punch is really takin off now. I wish she would've been under this light from the get go. She stretched a lil first few days but nodes are stacking better now and she lookin great. Gonna fim her today. Prolly 5th node. Maybe 4th cause she tall. Will see
You cant see her yet but Jucy Lucy is in there, i buried her this morning. Forgot to take pic of tail but we should see her sunday afternoon if all goes well. Gonna put her outside after only few days inside.
nope thats wrong. Jucy lucy is in square bucket. Round bucket is hso bubba kush
Fed the sucker punch 1.5ml gmb 1ml calmag 1ml fish shit 1ml silica per gallon. @Need4Weed day 28. White bucket. Stretching to much so i got the damn purples out again, damn things barely working and making me blind ta boot ha!
if they stretch to much more i just throw there asses outside.
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