I was just making my rounds checking plants and decided to move a snowryder female. In doing this I noticed the weight of each of the grow bags. Some have rocks in them but we all know the difference between the weight of rocks and the weight of water or how it feels anyway. I'm sure we have all seen and read that the soil should be light and airy but what I have just seen makes me wonder. The two best looking plants that are monsters really were both bone dry. The other 4 that I rearranged were moist. They've all received the same amount of food and water none show any major deficiencies. All were tiered from a 16 oz cup into 3 gallon grow bags. Some might think that its just a particular strain or plant but I have checked the others since then and found the same thing. The dryer the bag the better the growth. I have about 14 different strains going right now. Sativas, Indicas, autos, hybrids the works. In every case the dryer the bag the better the growth. I find this a little odd since I was always told that plants like their soil the way most people like their cake. I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts about this. Its not going to change how I handle my plants during germination and vegging but its definately got me rethinking my flowering process.if you're unclear on anything just ask in the event I've left something out.