Indoor Stunted Thinks Duurty

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Man all these pics are sweeter then Yoo-Hoo.:thumbs:
Cab is looking great, RIP micro S60. It's finally pic it will ever have as a memory will be with its jizz all over itself and the table..:face:
looking good stunted!

how old was that male?! -- he seemed to have grown very fast from the last time i remembered.

hope you had some viable pollen! :wiz:

happy growing my friend :group:
Thanks all,

The Micro S60 was about 4 weeks old, gonna try again soon....the pollen should be viable, we will see soon enough :)

1 April....
So its update time once again, a slightly bigger one today as there will not be another update for a little while......
The run of males continues, one yesterday and another 3 today. I am actually pleased about these males as it gives me a bit more cabinet space for the SBR-70's.
One from the 17th and 2 from the 18th.

Here is the only plant that has disliked the nute slaps so far, all the others are going a silly dark green color but show no signs of nute burn.
It would seem that I have managed to slow them down a bit, but still not enough..
Oh and I still have no intentions of trying to fix it, I am of the opinion that if it wants to live it will.

A couple of cab shots with the light off. The SBR-70's are in the middle :)
group.1-058_2013-04-01.jpg group.2-033_2013-04-01.jpg group.3-036_2013-04-01.jpg

A couple with the light back on.
light.on1-066_2013-04-01.jpg light.on2-067_2013-04-01.jpg

While the light was off I cleaned the inside of my cooltube, it was going well until....slip....NOOOOOO.....sucked right outta my hand and tangled on the light socked and wiring. I had to shut the cabinet down and get a poking stick to retrieve the cleaning tool....
clean.1-047_2013-04-01.JPG clean.2054_2013-04-01.jpg

Lastly 2 more cabinet shots, I dont like leaving these sorta pics on my comp and need to delete some shit.
cabinet.closed-061_2013-04-01.jpg cabinet-open-059_2013-04-01.jpg

So there we have it, some shit is dead, some shit is alive :D

Live long and stay stoned my AFN friends,
Stunted Hiatus
Love the 2 last cab shots man! Glade there is a light at the end of the terrrible tale of males.:booya:More room, more plants.
glad to see you've broken out the SBR-70's my man main!!.:booya:...can't wait to see what kinda bondage you do to them!!..:D...they turn into big you my have to do some tying down...up..sideways...whatever your Stunted mind comes up with...:lol:....stay safe and stay stoned my friend!!..:hug:...:smokebuds:
love how clean your box and set up is brother stunted!

you are definitely stuntin on those plants bro -- goodluck on the baby making process

:dance: :wiz: :smokebuds: :wiz: :dance:
Lots of growth has happened in the last 11 days, very nice my friend!

2 at the front sides and one up the back middle-leftish are stackin' up:smokeit:

Good to see the Cab filling out once again,cannot wait for a head count of whats what.:smokebuds:
Greetings my follow AFNites,

Its been a while since I did a decent update so I thought I would do one now, with pics and data from...yesterday :P

Most of the plants are doing reasonably well even with my attempts at slowing them down...a couple have lockout issues that I am doing absolutely nothing to correct :P

Day 36

S60xHBD-1 = 22in

S60xHBD-3 = 22in

S60xHBD-5 = 22in

S60xHBD-8 = 26in


S60xPAK-1 = 20in

S60xPAK-2 = dunno, I am training it so its height changes a bit :)
S60xPAK-2.1.JPG S60xPAK-2.2.jpg S60xPAK-2.3.jpg S60xPAK-2.4.jpg

From today after some adjusting:
001_2013-04-16.JPG 002_2013-04-16.JPG 003_2013-04-16.jpg 004_2013-04-16.JPG 005_2013-04-16.JPG

S60 = 15in
I hate this plant so it gets treated badly....the only S60 that did not grow balls.

Cab shots.
Cab-1.1.JPG Cab-1.2.JPG Cabinet.repack.jpg

So there ya go, finally an update!

Live long and stay stoned my AFN friends,
Stunted Growth