Greetings forum dwellers,
I will do an update a little later, maybe...I want to catch up on some PM's!
cheers matey - yeah definetely a winter set up - as you know the way this summer has been ya only have to think of lighting a candle and it seems the gates of hell are opening!!! Our household air con really struggles with the humidity we've been having so I might have to look at extra fanage - I really really wanna go 600W though as need to ensure I get some decent yields in - sucked last year coming home from surgeries with lotsa prescriptions but no REAL meds - am trying my best to not let that happen this year!!
I did find one way to keep down the temp numbers and RH numbers even during the summer that was - lean in and Ill tell you the secret - I did away with the thermometer - works everytime!!!
be well mate
This summer has been strange indeed, hot and humid, it should be hot and dry...really dry...about as dry as a fuck with no foreplay!
Another month and it will be somewhat cooler and by May you would likely be able to run a 600w without much heat problems.
Are you still running the LED?
is that another experimental grow next to the lighter?! excited to see how she turns out.
have you seen this?
and why is that beautiful girl locked up?! -- let her free bro. :key:
Yes it is Herbal, it is my Micro S60

I am banned from Ishitmag umm no I have not seen it before

And Knot Knot will be free soon, just waiting on beans to pop.
Im diggin those tric shots man,lookin damn near perfect(Fer me anywho)man!! Super fine job my friend!!I gotta get me one of those USB 200X scopes.Nice pics.
TY Dude

The USB scopes are pretty good if you have patience, it is very hard and frustrating to get good pics with the one I have.
Just be stoned if you use one

You're doing some fine work Stunted... a little disturbed..but good work none the less. Max rep..:smokebuds:
Thanks Hazy
Like the rest of the mob, loving the pics. WATCH OUT that little thing is almost root bound
Yeah boi, vape at max.. think I'll have to do some raping I mean vaping of my C #2. A Man has got to eat:lick:
TD's are looking phat as. The shape of those girls now even without a name would be reffered to as Think Durty!
/Wave @ Vaped
Rofl, it wont be long befor its root bound, there is very little room in that container, watering it is a bitch tho
Just a lillte updating...
On the 8th March the following beans were put into PT.
12 S60 x HBD
4 S60 x PAK (hope to seed one female)
4 Blue Streak (seed run)
As backup in case they dont pop I have some Bad Betty, PAK, S60 and DD ready to go.
Live long and stay stoned my AFN friends,
Stunted Seeds