With multiple visible symptoms/problems, could be more complex than a single or other simple deficiency. Could be a lock-out or pH problem, or several problems showing at the same time.
Harvest time! She went about 80 days from seed. I can’t wait to do my taste test. Great color and smell. Actually, lots of smell! Very sweet and pungent. I had to get a new carbon filter, LOL! Probably not my best grow. I think there was some nutrient imbalance. I’m anxious to start another SKush. Thanks for stopping by and your support.
I’ve started another SK. I’ve been using some tie down techniques ala vapo. I’ve got a idea I want to try this tlime around. Stay tuned! Thanks for stopping by.
Day 25: looking good! I’ve started my training regimen. Bound but not gagged! I’m using shirt hangers and nylon ties to hold her down. My daughter taught me a trick with the nylon ties. If you squeeze them with a needle nose pliers from the side they will release. How the F did she know that! So, ill give it a try.
She’s spreading her wings! I topped her at the fourth node and removed the first. So, there will be four major branches with two nodes each. My math says 16 colas. We’ll see, it’s all an experiment. My goal is to keep her short and wide. She’s starting to drink more. So, hopefully the tap roots are deep into the GroBucket reservoir. The big leafs show some spotting, probably due to spraying a hydrogen peroxide solution to eradicate some rot on another plant. Thanks for stopping by!
Oh ya! She’s taking all the water and nutes I can throw at her. She’s growing out nicely. I’ve been enjoying smoking my previous SK harvest. Hopefully, this one turns out even better!
Update over due! She’s been coming along nicely, but just this week Ive noticed some leaf issues. Could be too much P/ K. Perhaps I switched to BaS Bloom nutes too soon or heavily. She’s on a water only diet for now. Other than that, she looks good. Thanks for stopping by!
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