Indoor Strawberry Lemonade - Barneys farm

2 hrs after pruning end of week 3 flower
Phew! Looks as though they never even knew it happened :biggrin:
Happy campers - Day 21 Flowering
So the little flowering knobs have doubled in size over the past 2 days despite me chopping away at least 1/3 of each plant pruning.

I have been feeding everytime no water in between feed today was 1ml Grow, 2ml Bloom, 2ml Bio Heaven, 1ml Calmag and 2ml Activera (aloe vera)

I am finding this is best with biobizz nutrients moderate amounts every feed slowly increasing bloom as buds get bigger.
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Week 5 Flowering (Day 33)
Hey guys so plants are starting to get a little heavy I have ordered some yoyo supports to help hold the weight of these delicious buds.

I have been feeding 3l each plant every 2 days in flower and I have finally figured out how to use the biobizz nute line correctly. I feed everytime now with no water in between and in the past I had symptoms I thought was nute lockout but I'm fairly sure it was nute deficiency.

I am up to max dose of nutes 1ml Grow, 4ml bio heaven & bio bloom, 1ml calmag, 1.5ml activera
Week 6 Flowering - Day 41
Hey guys just to give an update plants are super healthy and the loaded flowers were flopping everywhere so I tied them up with yoyos. The plants were starting to show excess of nutrients all tips were starting to look burnt so gave a couple plain waters with some activera and going to start back with just 0.5ml grow per litre until flush with 3ml bio bloom and bioheaven as plants are still very green so no need for so much nitrogen they will get what they need from the bloom. I think I am looking at atleast another 2-3 weeks until harvest with these and I can't wait. Thanks for popping by.
looking great man getting chunky :d5: