Indoor Strawberry Lemonade - Barneys farm

Day 57 - Flip to flower
Hey guys so I have just flipped to flower after 8 weeks looking forward to see what these plants do they are quite big at this stage gonna fill out the tent for sure.

Just wondering do these fan leaves near the bottom of the plant look more like deficiency or ph imbalance? I have the symptoms of a cal and mag deficiency as well as others but would be surprised if ph was off as I am using all organic and haven't been giving huge feeds so I'm leaning more towards deficiency what do you guys think?
Gorgeous plants. I don't grow in organic soil, yet, so can't advise on the symptoms you see on lower fans. Most of the plant looks really happy, so they may not be a problem.

I expect that one of the organic gurus here may be able to help, but I am not sure who might be best to advise on your specific soil and amendments.

Good luck with it. :pighug:
Day 60
Plants are doing well now I think I was going a little too light on the feed but with grow nutes increased and calmag added symptoms dont seem to be getting worse.

Last feed was 2ml Bio Grow, 2ml Bio Heaven, 1ml Calmag, 1ml Acti Vera on day of flip and todays feed I just started to add Bio Bloom at 1ml per litre
Wonderful grow. I've grown that strain three years running in soil and it is one of my favorites. The last time I saw localized yellowing on my plants is when I inadvertently spilled a nutrient mix directly on the leaves. I just trimmed them and was more careful. Otherwise the plants look extremely happy and healthy.

The stretch on these is going to be phenomial. You are going to love the smoke.
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Wonderful grow. I've grown that strain three years running in soil and it is one of my favorites. The last time I saw localized yellowing on my plants is when I inadvertently spilled a nutrient mix directly on the leaves. I just trimmed them and was more careful. Otherwise the plants look extremely happy and healthy.

The stretch on these is going to be phenomial. You are going to love the smoke.

Thanks man great to have come across someone who has grown this strain before wanted to know what people thought of it. Did you find that all phenos of this strain were quite hungry?
Last year, out of the pack of 5 fem seeds I found one phenotype that appears to be very similar to the larger, more Sativa type you have. Luckily or unluckily, mine were all pretty much the same. Yes, they were all moderate to heavy feeders and the stretch was pretty large. I did not increase the amount of nutrients, instead I kept the amount the same and fed just a tad bit more frequently. Unfortunately I lost three out of the five. One was stolen and the other two were taken out in a wind/rain storm.

I grew them outside under the sun and other than topping and tieing in a few places I just let nature take its course. Since they were outside I made as few trips as possible.
Last year, out of the pack of 5 fem seeds I found one phenotype that appears to be very similar to the larger, more Sativa type you have. Luckily or unluckily, mine were all pretty much the same. Yes, they were all moderate to heavy feeders and the stretch was pretty large. I did not increase the amount of nutrients, instead I kept the amount the same and fed just a tad bit more frequently. Unfortunately I lost three out of the five. One was stolen and the other two were taken out in a wind/rain storm.

I grew them outside under the sun and other than topping and tieing in a few places I just let nature take its course. Since they were outside I made as few trips as possible.

Cool man thanks I thought there was something wrong with the smaller pheno was very finicky growing but now that its in flower it has started to increase in size quickly. The more sativa like one is insane the amount of bud sites is crazy think I'm going to need to invest in some yo yo's to hold it together In late flower not a bad complaint to have I suppose.

Your advice helps a lot I'm going to keep with the feed everytime using biobizz as it's not super strong will keep consistently feeding moderately. I was considering doing feed, feed then water but judging by plants they look like they need feed every time might just throw in a plain water every 4-5 feeds.
sounds good. Just keep an eye on the girls. They will let you know when they have had enough. Again, start slowly, even pause after two feedings and gauge the results. It’s all too easy to kill them with kindness. They look fabulous!
Also, I am assuming you grew the plant in your avatar. If they turn out half as good as that, it will be a success
Also, I am assuming you grew the plant in your avatar. If they turn out half as good as that, it will be a success

Thanks man a lot of people shit on the biobizz nutes saying that they are weak and no good but I've been very happy with the results I've had it's all I've used since I started nearly 2 years ago and lockouts don't tend to be an issue underfeeding is mostly what I've had to deal with from being too conservative with the amount of nutes used beats overfeeding you can always add more.

That's actually the 3rd plant I grew an Auto Zkittles OG by barneys farm so if these girls perform that well I'll definitely be happy. I literally starved that plant but at the time I thought I had locked out nutes and flushed a couple times the sugar leafs were crisping up from lack of pk and still produced massive yield its called weed with good reason it sure grows like one.