Strains or Varieties?

Strain is the term used to classify fungi, bactetia and viruses.

From my understanding it’s a low level taxonomical term used in biology to denote any genetic variant or subtype in a given biological species population. More appropriately breeders use the terms “cultivars” or “chemovariants/chemotypes” as well to distinguish between different “strains”…I think the latter term has just gained traction in the canna community, especially at dispensaries, and is easier to say and remember versus “chemovariant”.
I’ve been growing mushrooms as a hobbyist & a professional since the 90’s. I just can’t call a weed a “strain.” :nono:
Cultivar is the correct term IMHO.

Agreed :thumbsup: the link @5 Star Trich posted has good explanations on the terms.
I’ve been growing mushrooms as a hobbyist & a professional since the 90’s. I just can’t call a weed a “strain.” :nono:
Cultivar is the correct term IMHO.
Sorry - saw this after I posted. For obvious reasons.

I assume a landrace isn't a cultivar because it's not a product of cultivation/breeding (generally).