Strains for Insomnia

As time passes, I'm finding it more and more difficult to make definitive statements. I've come to realize I should probably wait six to twelve months and then comment, because initial reactions are not necessarily steady states. I think part of this has to do with CBD and THC buildup in the system, and the resulting impact. My first few days taking CBD seemed to help tremendously, and I posted about that, but I found that as the days went on the positive impact decreased. That is not to say I'm giving up on it, that's kind of my bigger point, that was one week, this is a journey.

Also, there are a million variables that go into a persons ability to sleep, and specifically, to quiet their mind -- THC/CBD will be one ingredient in the soup. I suspect that for me I will find an optimal balance, and then inevitably I'll need to periodically switch it up, to have a few tools in the box and cycle between them.
Your absolutely correct….I give my Dad a lot of credit for not giving up….Stil pursing something other than pharmaceuticals to help him sleep better. Everyone reacts different, he is still trying to dialing it in….Cannabis is new medicine for him and so many other people. He has seen beyond the demonization of this plant, and is somewhat hopeful, that it can help….sometimes he has his doubts….maybe it is age, or a generational thing? We talk about it often, and dialogue is a good about this topic, it’s not going away, it’s here to stay. World is changing, and always will…
So far, 24C has been best, but several other heavy indicas have been not bad. So far, I have just been using dry flower vaping because I have not found a tincture mix that works for me, but I am still working on that. My wife does really well with an MCT tincture with, as I recall off the top of my pointy roughly 1:1 THC:CBD.

As mentioned by others, harvest timing is important, but can be tricky with autos, many of which seem reluctant to show much amber. Also extra decarb time might help a bit by bumping THC into CBN. In the presence of heat, light, and oxygen THC changes to CBN. I tried to treat some of my MCT tincture by intense light exposure for several days, but the resulting oil tasted absolutely poison because the light and oxygen caused the MCT oil to go rancid. Lesson learned, gotta make cbn before, not after, doing the infusion. Which in my case means decarbing as rosin, not cured bud, because it would get too dry if decarbed or treated with light before pressing. This mischief is still a work in progress for me. :pighug:
Too much cbd can make me a bit wired.
CBD in any concentration harms sleep for me.
some of the zippier sativa leaning hybrids can great for sleep if you time them correctly, have a nice ramp up buzz followed by a stoney comedown.
As my experimenting continues, I'm finding that CBD's affect follows an arc similar to THC. With THC, there is a ramp up (fast or slow depending on smoke or edibles), peak, and then decline. I made some CBD/G capsules that are strong enough that I can feel when they kick in, and during that 'peak' time it is a bit racy and not conducive to sleep, but after that subsides it can be fully relaxing. So in terms of sleep, timing is everything.

Just a side note, a couple of years ago I was on Wellbutrin for about six months, and the (DIY) CBD/G oil I've been taking in capsules has a very similar overall feeling. That is to say, they impact as much psychologically is physically, giving me some mental energy and clarity, especially during that peak time. I'm still in the early experimental stages with all of this, I'll know more in the months to come. Over the course of the first few weeks the impact of the Wellbutrin changed, at first it made sleep very difficult but over time that subsided. I'm curious how my body will adapt to CBD, and ultimately how long it will take before I'll begin to develop a tolerance.