Dragon Meds Stone Dragon Smoke Report by Noods

Great Smoke Report Noods....:clap: :clap: :clap:..my Favourite bit...

I have plus repped you..

Exactly what every grower/med user needs to know :clap:

Yup...Much more Important IMO than any Breeder blurb.

Funny thing us I use those 2 phenos just the opposite - I take reds earlier (70-75 days) and they are my daytime meds, while I leave white and dark phenos to go as long ad they want (15 weeks is sufficient) - amber Dragon, that's the real deal :2cents:

Me too..the Reds for me go a bit more to the sati side and can be a bit racey...
the whites are my favourite Up Energy givers for the day time taken early..
left to Amber the med value goes up x 4..:thumbs:

Did you get the night-night Dragon effect on your Ambers..?..:nightdrag:
Did you get the night-night Dragon effect on your Ambers..?..
Yup, cup of tea, 2 cigarettes after night smoke and i sleep 6-7 hours, in the morning no hangover and I'm full of energy with clear mind :cough: but this is for white and black, reds that are ambered give me heart racing, no sleep all night and I'm wasted in the morning :no: but this is just me :smokebuds:
All Right you Stoner you ask for it now your gonna get it hold on to you hat :howdy: Youve been :slap:

Gotta Love Those Dragons

Everyone, Thanks for the compliments and rep! :bow:

did ya have any come in at 70 or under? I only read 75 days was the least, is that correct?
No gearbear, I haven't taken any earlier than that. But I would imagine the one or the other would be harvest-able earlier...

... Funny thing us I use those 2 phenos just the opposite - I take reds earlier (70-75 days) and they are my daytime meds, while I leave white and dark phenos to go as long ad they want (15 weeks is sufficient) - amber Dragon, that's the real deal :2cents:
Thanks so much Stone! Very glad to be of service!
Strange how that works.. But I have only let the red ones go longer and the white ones earlier. I'll do it different next time and see how it works for me. Right now, the partially ambered Red is the relaxing stuff, but it messes me up bad when I overdo it. Just a few tokes before bed is ok and I can fall asleep well, but it won't give me the 7 hr minimum sleep that I seem to need to function the next morning. If I up the puffs and smoke more before bed, I can't sleep at all because it messes with my mind and gets me all nervous and all, sadly. Maybe the ambered white pheno will be different, I'll have grow me some more. :smoke:

... Me too..the Reds for me go a bit more to the sati side and can be a bit racey...
the whites are my favourite Up Energy givers for the day time taken early..
left to Amber the med value goes up x 4..:thumbs:

Did you get the night-night Dragon effect on your Ambers..?..:nightdrag:
Thank you Mossy! Like I said to Stone, gonna have to try getting a white pheno to get nice and amber next time.

Amazing grow and report brother... Is there anything you don't feed your plants ? :D consider yourself slapped :slap:
LOL Thanks! Gotta be careful with the Dragons- they'll eat anything you give them! I try to curb their sweets and crisps consumption, though, as it makes them sluggish..
:rofl: :smokebuds:

I appreciate all the kindness, my AFN family! Happy Growing! :smokebuds:
k, thanks. I may add in and add a side note to harvested at 75 days but harvestable as early as 70 days.
One of the most bestest write-ups I`ve seen for a while, cheers Noods, nice 1 mate!:thumbs: