Dragon Meds Stone Dragon Smoke Report by Noods

Ahhh mate couldnt of wrote that better myself spot on and exacaly how i was going to write mine up obviously yours is more accreate lol truley remarkable i carnt wait to take my red pheno tomoz not as bright as yours but ill get there one day Max +rep
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From sprout to harvest in:
about 70 days to 100+ days
did ya have any come in at 70 or under? I only read 75 days was the least, is that correct?

I was scanning new reports for 70 day and under thread.
Hmmm I'm aroused... Would someday love to give the stone dragons a go. Great smoke report Noods, well done my friend.

The best strain/smoke review ever :grat:

Exactly what every grower/med user needs to know :clap:

think you my friend, your contribution is much appreciated :hug:

Funny thing us I use those 2 phenos just the opposite - I take reds earlier (70-75 days) and they are my daytime meds, while I leave white and dark phenos to go as long ad they want (15 weeks is sufficient) - amber Dragon, that's the real deal :2cents:

Share some SD my friend :group:
Great write up Noods :bow:
You must be one of them "Reviewer" people coz you do it so well :D
And just like si I agree with everything you wrote, as a pain med it is right up there near the top.

Stunted Write-up