Extraction Stillsmokin's super butter

Yours has a nice butter color, mine typically has more green coloring to it. Usually I follow the Cannabist recipe of 1oz to 1lb butter. This last batch got 1.25oz..

Ran 6lbs for gifts the last few weeks, tray of brownies in fridge now.
Yours has a nice butter color, mine typically has more green coloring to it. Usually I follow the Cannabist recipe of 1oz to 1lb butter. This last batch got 1.25oz..

Ran 6lbs for gifts the last few weeks, tray of brownies in fridge now.
Yeah the longer you cook the more green. You can really tell how strong by how waxy it is. You can put this stuff on a butter knife and it sticks unless toast is hot. When melted it almost pours like syrup.