Extraction Stillsmokin's super butter


Lets sshhmmookkee a bouwl
Feb 20, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Anything i can get my green thumbs on!
I've been searching for a cannabutter recipe and have tried a few and wasn't impressed, so I came up with my own!

Decarb- 1oz trim and larf 250f for 30 mins
Put 4 sticks of real butter in crock pot on low.
Add decarbed oz and low cook for 3 hrs in crock pot.
While cooking decarb 1 more oz for next run
After 3 hrs on low strain out butter and put back in crock pot.
I then add another oz of decarbed trim and larf and cook on low for 3hrs
Strain and put in fridge. Then your ready to eat toast or spoonfuls of butter.
You made me think of it and I stole one of Santa's cookies and put butter on it. Feeling good now
Yeah it's so strong I still got some cause one piece of toast and I'm done for

One slice of toast was all i needed from my batches too,First time i ever tried it i tested it out on a slice and after half hour i was like oh this stuff isn't that strong so i made another slice lol Move forward about another half hour or so and i was curled up on the end of the couch in the fetal position feeling like i just took 3 hits of acid :haha: :rofl: :doh:
Just got done being Santa and had another special cookie. My eyes twitching and face is numb, but i feel goooood!
Didn't help smoking three different strains of half joints in between either. Wish i could post just an eye pic but I'm too paranoid for that.
I won't smoke at all if i take edibles lol Just amplifies the stone too much :nono:
It's my goal when smoking at night to get as high as possible