My hydro experience is that plants need very little food at the end, so 300 ppm (EC= 0.6 I assume) isn't that low.
They also need less light as flowering progresses, which is the case in nature as sunlight weakens during fall.
My GUESS is that you overfed a few weeks ago, and now the harm from that has become obvious.
(That happened to me a few weeks ago at EC = 1.2, and the over-feeding look persists right now, even at EC = 0.8.)
The good news is that harvest is approaching, and plants can take a lot of abuse.
Here's a feeding strategy that will get you in the correct feeding ball park.
If ppm rises from day to day, plants are drinking more than eating, so reduce ppm.
If ppm drops from day to day, plants are eating more than drinking, so increase ppm.
Too much food and/or light will harm health and reduce size and quality of yield.
If those were my plants I'd keep ppm where it is, and reduce light.