hi bud n thanks for the feedback, nice looking plant there .. yes im using all mix biobizz potting soil... so i might be at a bad end regarding the small pot .. i have two other plants in much bigger pots so at least the will be ok, im just using the autoflower 10 week tops critical cheeseo and for 1 gallon you got ur self in bad position cuz its gonna start being root bound and have no where to grow and autos dont like being transplanted. what i did to start my autos paper towel method to propogation tray for like a week tops. then straight to 3 gallon pot at least where it will live its remiander of its life. but ya did an expierment with sum free photos i got from herbies left them in party cups for 2 weeks and after a lil over week became root bound and start drooping like there dying i hope you dont have same problem when the whole gallon pot is completely rootbound. new to growing my self. this is one of my autos this is how i been doing it with like 3 to 6 inches above at times this is an old pic at like 18 days or soo. my plants shorter than yours but already has like first 4 or five nodes.
o and what are you using soil? coco? what genetics. etc just wondering