Stepside goes Kaotic--- LEELA

12 days
Looking real strong, got their first taste of nutes on day 10





They got transplanted today...Happy New Year.

awesome looks like u got one mutant.
Good eye man, I honestly didn't think that one would go. I soaked the beans for 24 hrs and put them in paper towel on my bunn coffeemaker... It didn't even take 10 hrs. I had four nice tails and one seed with some white mush. I had five cups ready so it got planted with little hope.... But as you can see it grew...
Roughly how long for these Leela's to show sex??
If I could keep the rh up in the tent I think these would be moving a little faster but... Slow and steady wins the race
16 days







I think they're off to a good start
Good eye man, I honestly didn't think that one would go. I soaked the beans for 24 hrs and put them in paper towel on my bunn coffeemaker... It didn't even take 10 hrs. I had four nice tails and one seed with some white mush. I had five cups ready so it got planted with little hope.... But as you can see it grew...
Roughly how long for these Leela's to show sex??

Hey step side those are the indica leelas. These are all still in super expirimental stage. But my guess is 75 85 days. It really depends bc they are from the 90 120 day sativa. When I found those two random indicas while breeding I seperate do them and bred them together. As of right now I'm not 100% sure. I do know the ones I bred together we're almost 90 days. They are really gorgeous towards the end. And you may be able to notice some dragon influences if you're lucky. The new leela I re started last winter is actually an offshoot of the Kaos dragon I'm still working on. I just happened to get the pheno and terpenoids profile I wanted for leela while breeding my leela prototypes and the dragons. I am super excited about this strain. I hope I have been helpful.

Ohh don't be surprised if leela does not flower until after 30 days. It seems common more times then not.
They will also be able to eat a lot especially now that they have true leafs. If temps are right and humidity is around 50%+ she can eat almost full feedings. Although I would wait until pre flower that's when she's gonna take off fast. Mine gained almost 1 foot per week once calyxes showed.