Indoor Starting over again

How they doing now chirim2003.......?

late night i gave them their water with a couple drops earth juice microblast and superthrive in it and raised the light a few inches

If you see them Struggling...don't feed...pure water only until they pull round Bro...

kama sent for them...

Have a great weekend....:smoke:
glad to hear things ar comin back together for you bro! nice job on the tireing and setup... lookin pro bro! if you have the budhet grab yourself a ph/fert meter for soil.... about 18-20 bucks us on ebay... very handy... i was having all kinds of "fert toxicity issues" before... tuned out to be ph of soil mostly... they seem especially sensitive to proper soil ph... in part i think because of the short life cycle... I'm finding I can pour t on pretty good now that my ph's are right on target...

Hey guys. Thanks for the encouarment and kindness and tips. I actually do have the soil ph tester that was still packed and it didnt get melted in the inferno. Tested the soil a day ago and it was a 6.3 ph. It is a mix of 1 bag each of fox farm ocean forrest, light warrior, and happy frog. I ran that because it has worked well for me in the past. The only thing i added was gerber baby cereal with dha and an ounce of zho root innoculant. The plants are comin alive now with noticible growth every day. I cant wait it is like waitin for water to boil. Thanks guys.
day 13 pics

hey guys. today is day 13 for plants 1,2,3,4,5 and day 10 for all others. everything is goin great except for one plant. #5 has a yellow area on one leaf only and has had it for 4 days. it isnt getting any bigger or spreading to other leafs and none of the other plants show anything at all. all nice and dark green in normal light. any ideas? soil is holdin at 6.2- 6.3 ph, temps stay around 75-76 degrees in the light hours and low of 70 degrees in dark period. humidity is stayin between 35 and 45% all times. nice airflow and air exchange in room. water is a steady 6.2-6.3 ph also. they are also on straight RO water with no nutes or addatives just ph adjusted. 1gal nursery pots good soil mix. the yellowing has me stumped. could it just be a retarted leaf in some way or genetic defect? i think they should be growin a little faster by now but they are pickin up quickly now. even the number 10 runt is startin to grow.


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sounds like you need more nutes.. ph's are right on the money! :)
whats your N nutes?
i havent added any nutes because im runnin a mix of fox farm ocean forrest, happy frog, light warrior. 1/3 of each in the mix. i used it in the past and didnt need nutes until 4 week. but possibly your right. should i try it? worst that can happen is a little burn and a good flush right. when i do put nutes on it is earth juice grow, earth juice bloom, earth juice micro nutes. i like to keep it as organic as possible and have had good results. so the question is to try or not to try.
yes... throttle up... do it up! sounds like they need it... ive noticed since my ph is adjusted they seem to be able to take a LOT more nutes than i thought they could...

Originally Posted by John Mondello
what i mean is that not all autos are the same lol
I have been growing the same genetic line for over a year now
and they all seem like they really like my fert schedule.
This is what i doi break it down as follows
First off let me talk about what i use as ferts. I have a 4 part system that i use and most of this is in the brain so please bare with me as i share this one.
I use FF grow big (hydro formula) Tiger Bloom and then two tea variations. One is high in N for veg and the other is high in Phosphorus when its time to flower.
I apply these through out the grow. I use the FF to get it started.
then i move to the teas and then back to the FF and then back to the teas
So i break it down like this:
FF GB is 3Tbsp/1Gal for heavy feedings. So in my mind this is more than enough for our fave friends. So it states that 2tbsp/1gal is for normal feedings so i use this as my base number. After that i break it down into 1/4
at 7 days i start like this
Day 7 1/4 dose to a gal
Day 14 1/2 dose to a gal + 8oz of N rated tea
Day 21 1tbsp GB and then 1/4 of TB (bringing in the TB)
Day 28 1/2 TB + 8oz of Phosphorus rated tea
Day 35 1.5 tbsp TB to a gal
Day 41 2tbsp of TB and 8oz of Phosphorus rated tea
Then Flush till finish unless it needs something at the end.
I think that this is everything that i do like i said i am not sure as this is all in my head. If the plants demand more that i give more this is just something to go by. I usually do not swap in clean water feedings at all over the fert program. I just use the jug then its gone. Now if i start to see over feeding or lockouts ill flush.
But if i keep my water on point i never usually see a lock out or toxicity.
Hope this helps
Better pic of #5 yellowing

ok here is a better pic of #5 in normal light and the yellow spot is very clear but makes no sense of why. if it is something that needs fixed i need to get it under control but if its not ease my mind before i twist it into a pretzle it is buggin the heck out of me.


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well i trust you guys so ill get it ready and i water tomorrow anyhow so ill give it a shot and well see. wish me luck as ive never givven any autos nutes this soon but here goes. and thanks for droppin in and helpin me out i really appreciate you guys.
do ya think i should add 1/4 grow or 1/4 bloom or 1/4 of each or what. i was lookin at FD's feeding schedule and i usually do something similar to that so i was thinkin id add the grow since im in week 2 at 1/4 strength and 1/4 bloom at 1/4 to possibly help with a jumpstart on the flowering/sexing that will be comin up soon.