Indoor Starting over again

Just looked in on the little ones and noticed the leaves on a couple drooping a little. Still have good color but droopy leaves. The temp is about 75 degrees light is 22" away so any ideas. I was thinking calcium magnesium deficiency mabey. They were pretty dry so i watered them with ammended water with a few drops of microblast and superthrive. Any ideas? I will get a pic up as soon as possible. They havent been overwatered or to hot so im stumped. Its only the lowryders. The white widow and blueberry fems are fine. Soil is 1 bag of each, foxfarm ocean forrest, happy frog, light warrior with dha baby cereal mixed in allong with zho root innoculant. Seeds were started in light warrior and then transplanted using FD's tier method. Any thoughts?
With new pics

ok here they are after the drooping leaves. late night i gave them their water with a couple drops earth juice microblast and superthrive in it and raised the light a few inches. today they look much better but some of them still have droopy leaves but not as bad as they did. i think it could be a mix of watering time, transplant shock and possibly light to close. not sure on the light tho as the white widow fem seems to be streching alot since transplant. temps stay at around 75 degrees under the light and i have good airflow but not to much and humidity is now hanging at 40% or a few points lower. pics arent the best but let me know what you think. i am finding out that it is harder to grow in a closet than i remembered and i sure do miss my grow rooms. on a positive note we are going to start building a new house in a month or so as the insurance is being processed this week. on a side note the wife no longer wants a fireplace. ha ha ha. let me know what ya think guys.


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nice bro
looking great so far
All is well i will post some updated pics tomorrow. #4&5 are still a little bigger than the rest but they all look great and healthy. I usually have the fastest growing ones turn out to be male but who knows. The best male will turn into a proud father of many so hopefully i can seed 2 lowryder females with him and a couple branches on the white widow fem and blueberry fem for a couple crosses to begin again. See you guys tomorrow with some pics.
welcome back to the grow life my friend. sorry to hear about the fire that always sucks.
any ideas or suggestions (new pics)

ok here are the little ones. everything is lookin great, healthy and happy. #10 is just a runt i guess as it is way behind the others for some reason. other than that doin great. the temps holdin steady between 72 and 78 today and humidity had a high of 41% and low of 37%. the only thing goin on i havent noticed is the white widow fem and blueberry fem kinda have the leaves in a more upward way than the others. the lowryders are doin good and at this point starting to take off i think. a couple of them are takin off a little more than the others. nice green color to them but its kinda hard to tell in the pics because the 600mh was on as usual. ill try to get some pics in normal light in a day or so to see the real deal. any ideas or suggestions anyone


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Just wanted to say hello to everyone and give a quick update. New pics in normal light will be posted tomorrow or saturday. The lowryders are lookin good and startin to grow quick now. The blueberry fem is actually really takin off as far as leaf development but is only about 2" tall so she is lookin good and not tall and lanky she should make a nice cross. The white widow fem is doin great about 3.5 inches tall sems streched a little compaired to the blueberry but she will also make a nice cross. The plan is some lowryder seeds on this one and cross lowryder with both of the fems and also cross the 2 hybrids together also just to see what comes of it. Great website everyone and a bunch of great guys on here. Peace.
Looking good so far! i hope you get some good size bushes!
Hi bailer. I hope i do also it would be nice to have it go great. I plan on takin atleast 1 or 2 clones off the ww and bb also but cant wait to cross them. My dad is comin down in a month and is bringin me a bunch of seeds from his stock to help resupply me. Some old school strains and some new ones. Ill be back to normal farmin soon. Take care guys.