New Grower Starting off in coco with Autoseeds GSC

Looks dank. How is the aroma?
Thanks I'm hoping it's gonna be nice smoke. The smell is changing over time, earlier it was more earthy, coffee, now I'm getting more lemon, burnt rubber, minty smells off her. She is loud but it's not straight away recognizable as cannabis funk. I'm real curious to see what it's like in the jars.
Thanks I'm hoping it's gonna be nice smoke. The smell is changing over time, earlier it was more earthy, coffee, now I'm getting more lemon, burnt rubber, minty smells off her. She is loud but it's not straight away recognizable as cannabis funk. I'm real curious to see what it's like in the jars.

So interesting how the smells change or time.
So interesting how the smells change or time.
Being my first time I didn't really know what to expect from the smell. I was like surely this isn't gonna smell like cookies but holy shit it's been quite interesting to smell the changes and there's always been this underlying baked chocolate kinda thing. Guess them kushy terps are coming through now, which I'm cool with. Be curious to see if the second one has the same aroma over time. She's not quite stinky yet.
Week 12
85 days I think we're at. Finally seeing some noticeable weight gain on the early girl. She's a very frosty little girl. Nearly all darkened pistils but still a few new white ones coming in yet. Calyx are poking out around the new pistils so that's probably the last new ones she'll have. She's not drinking much, getting most of my nute solution back. Dialed her down to .75ml/l Bloom, .25 Overdrive but probably cut that off today. Seem to be staying ahead of the tip burn, leaves still green and healthy. Still a few days ahead but I can see the end.
Big girl is still enormous and trying to overtake the space all for herself. I really want to defoliate her today, as you see she could use it, but when they come out of the tent this time I definitely won't be able to get them back without breaking someone's arms. Within the next couple days I'll move them to separate homes if the little ones still going. Surprisingly the beast isn't a big feeder, 1ml/l Bloom and. 5ml/l big bud is all she will let me give her. She's real thirsty though, having to give her 1.5 or 2 liters addy a time sometimes to get runoff. She'll drink a liter and not runoff one ml in the heat of the day. Alright I'll stop rambling, sorry I didn't fix any of these pics lighting and such.

Welp I surely didn't plan on ending up with two tent setups but that's what I get for trying two plants instead of one on the first go. They'll both get used though. One may become a photoperiod tent for some devious plans I'm hatching. Anyhow both girls have their own home now. Hopefully this helps the smaller one finish strong and ripen evenly. Pulled some weak leaves on the big one but too much going on today to do full defoliation.
How long do you think you have left? How do the trichomes look?
How long do you think you have left? How do the trichomes look?
Hey buddy. I been asking myself that a lot lately. Everything looks pretty cloudy, maybe a few clear left. I'm gonna snip off a piece today to have a good look with the scope. I'll try to get some pics. I'm thinking I'll start her on flush formula before the weekend is over, hoping to pull her down by end of week next week. I'm not looking for much amber. That'll make her like 13 almost 14 weeks. Geesh
@GinFizzLuv Couldn't pull off shots through the scope but got close enough to kinda see. Looks pretty milky to me. Whadda yall think? She's on the flushy stuff starting today. Prolly give her the choppy chop Tues or Wed depending how she looks. My lady graciously volunteered to help with the trimming, she looks like she's not gunna be fun.