Outdoor Starting autos outside



hey all,
i live in the new england part of the united states and am about to start an outdoor grow. My first question is whens the latest date in my area (if there is one) to start an autoflower outdoor. And second, is it best to just start it outdoors? Or start it indoors and then switch it to outdoors. Because of its short life span if you should start indoors does anyone know how long you should leave it indoors before putting it outdoors? Any Feedback that will help me will receive +REP.
You have to know when you get your first killing frost in the fall,contact your local weather station or goggle first average frost in your area.You should start them inside and should be about three weeks old before you transplant them outside.
You can find your first frost date here. http://www.victoryseeds.com/frost/home.asp. Count back 12 weeks from that date and that's your starting date.

Starting your plants indoors first will greatly improve their chances of success. Start them in pots that are big enough for 3-4 weeks of growth. When it's time to go outside, put them in a semi shaded spot for a couple days before putting them into full sun.