New Grower Starting a 32oz party cup grow

ok guys any one wondering or keeping up.

I watered the two that were left and went to work/school came back and one of them was dry. I mean like the stem turned from a nice green stem to a little tooth pick.

I think I know what happend. I was using 2 25watt CFls with two different spectrums at only 4 inches away each, Im pretty sure had I used the 13 watters that I had on hand I would have not burned them to shit .

well theres always next time,.

For now that one thats alive is only getting one bulb and im keeping it around 8 inches away.
sounds like the partys over before it even got started......bummer and I just got here!
that made me laugh so hard. good one bro. Yeah I wanna just let every one know that if you are new maybe dont start with high wattage cfls so close to the seedlings.

hey had I not failed I would not know how to properly germinate and what kind of light they want ...

maybe the next grow will go another 2 weeks hell maybe i might just buy some KVS after all idk
hey about that root only poppin that's what you want when it pops make sure you put it facing up! if you put it facing down good chance it will die before it breaks the surface as the root makes a turn or hook to 'root' it'self and it has to be facing up to make the turn/hook the right way......
nah bro I germed them the right way all of them sprouted. In nature yes that how its supposed to work but you can do it either way as long as the root hasnt grow out of the seed.

But then again you are the one about to harvest on your first grow and not me.

BTW do you you a grow log ? Ill def check it out.