Dutch Passion starRyder vs think different


Jul 27, 2012
Reaction score
Wasup guys ive grown some think different before and like the DP genetics and im just curious..two anyone who may have grown both are the starryders producing just as much as the think d? I know the think d is a pretty good producer but the starryder is looking nice just wondering how it may compare :toke: i kno there both great just thought u guys may be able to say how they differ :D thanks guys and dp :booya:

I grew the td and grow the sr now.
But both grows are not comparable, because I changed so much and (hopefully) learnt a lot since the first (which was actually my second indoor grow in the last 10 years).
Atm my smallest sr is little over the size of my tds at harvest - 50 cm. The td grow gave me 220g from 4 plants under 250w (complete system all incl.) - the grow took about 140kwh.
That was quite good for me, my first grow gave me 160g from 4 different strains.
If i compare the state, and look at all the nice pics, they (sr) should yield more now if I do all right.
But I am as courious as you how they will yield in the end :-)
Hey man, I've grown a fair few Think Differents now and I've got a StarRyder in my current grow.


There are 3 plants in that tent. Two of them are TD, which of them do you think is the StarRyder?
They are all big yielders dude :) Each of them has the genetics to grow massive.