New Grower SS Himalayan Blue Diesel Remo Nute DWC


Plant B (will be harvested)
Well this is the last day of the last two Short Stuff Himalayan Blue Diesel reg Seeds grow started out with 4 in DWC and this is the last two. Plants B and D. All turned male.
Plant D (will not be harvested)
This SS HBD grow is now complete. The pollen was collected and stored for later use (some will be used on Trident Special and CDLC). This was an enjoyable grow, I have to say. Wish I got some smoke, but hey, now I will be able to produce some seeds of my liking. Remo Nutrients held up phenomenal. There was no other supplements needed. VeloKelp and Nature's Candy was my favorite out of the whole line up (not saying the others were not great, just those two out shined). VeloKelp was used as a spray mostly, and the branching was out of this world. And Nature's Candy stimulated root growth really great and fast (used since veg.).

Thanks All Who Followed Along and Gave Great Advice!

On To The Next Grow!
Some of the pollen collected. From Short Stuff Himalayan Blue Diesel reg seeds.