New Grower SS Himalayan Blue Diesel Remo Nute DWC

Personal Note: In the beginning of this Grow, I never really set any goals. What do I want in return (yields)? How am I going to go about getting my yields? Why hydro DWC? How do I want to go about this grow, if it gets tall or really wide, etc......? As I am planning my next grow cycle, in the same tent and a new area in the mix (micro, excited about this one) things will be changed. Personally how I grow and with equipment. Goals will be set, equipment setup may change, and even nutes may get added. Not saying anything was bad this grow, just tweaked. This grow so far has been great, challenges occurred, even outsider inputs helped (my AFN brothers and sisters). Mistakes will always be made, but as long as I learn from them or HOPEFULLY someone reads my journal and it helps learn. That's fine by me. Even as my grow is getting closer to the end, the experience has been awesome. I can't wait to see the end yield. I don't even want to guess......hummmm......
I agree, its all about the experience. Im more excited to grow it than i am to smoke it. Learning how to grow, be it through trial and error or by following instructions is really fun for me!
@Dhante420 it is, I find it helps just as much as smoking, injesting, or vaping. It helps me deal better with anxiety and ptsd. I am focused on something (in this case growing) and my mind ain't wondering around thinking aimlessly. Also it's an awesome plant!
Pic Update
@Dhante420 it is, I find it helps just as much as smoking, injesting, or vaping. It helps me deal better with anxiety and ptsd. I am focused on something (in this case growing) and my mind ain't wondering around thinking aimlessly. Also it's an awesome plant!
Amen brother! :peace:
They just keep bushing up, getting tall, and looking great. Plant B is huge, plant A is skinny but stronger stems. Plant C is shooting up like its no more sun tomorrow, and Plant D is just chilling out taking her time.
A and B Day 41
Had to do a little defol and leaf tucking, these girls are getting big
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Alright, well pretty crazy, pretty soon I will have more room (1 plant coming down) and some pollen (the biggest one, plant B). And I am not even disappointed. Plant B grew huge and strong. Bushes out nicely. So now I will have me some of my own Himalayan Blue Diesel strains.
Sunday night, harvested the male plant for pollen (Plant B). In storage container after drying and refrigerated. Cleared out the roots and plant material from hydroton and net pot.
Today: Defoliating plants A,C and D. Letting light into the center and lower levels of the plants. All three are really health and C and D have caught up to plant A in height.
Short Stuff Himalayan Blue Diesel so far is a resilient plant. They had some stresses (high heat and slight ph prob), that are now controlled. Gotta wait till end to see how stressed (stresses and the final yield weight) they got. Plants A and B took the brunt of the problems, plants C and D were started two weeks after A and B.