Indoor Squid's Second Grow-Duurty Dragon, Diesel Ryder & MI5

Squid the Terminator!
You may have to re-think your signature line. Maybe "Put out or get out" or "No ass, no grass, no free rides".
I'm with you, why waste the soil and the space. Glad to hear that you like the MI-5, I have some of those on stand-by.
lol. Nice. Still gotta have the patience, though. But I just knew they weren't going to make it. Really it's just the one that actually germed that was retarded. The other just never germed at all. Oh well.
Alright so I have multiple root tips in the bottom of my cups, it was pretty dry down there, and I have two sets of true leaves, so I gave them their first full watering.

I watered with plain ph spring water at 6.45 and all the run offs we between 6.1-6.2 so I am dead on. Pretty stoked about that, even though I took all of the steps to make sure that would be the case. :D
I am ready to see these start taking off in the next week or so. They seem to really be thriving under that Tek lamp and with temps in the low 80s. Very nice.

The two Diesel Ryders won't be too far behind, either. :dance2:
Nice work squid I see plump buds in your future :smokebuds:
Every Wednesday, mate! That is Squid Pic Update Day weekly for this entire grow.
i completely next log come sept when im doing my delicious' la diva and a strain yet to be determined, im gonna do the same thing. too many pics get redundant, for me anyhow~its easier to see progress when pics are spread out more. On my first grow however, its like your first kid, cant stop snapping!
Yup! And hey man since it's gonna be September before you get started again after your photos are done, you should test out some of my crosses for me that I will have. I will anything from more Duurty Dragons, to and combo of crosses involving the three strains I have going. It just all depends on which are males and females of course, but I am really hoping I will be able to get a DDxMI5 and DRxDD(Diesel Dragon:D)
that sounds awesome squid, but im gonna be doing a strict auto grow with a 20/4 light schedule. If i remember correctly theyll be f1's and most likely will be photo's right? Im gonna be moving at the end of November so Im basically limited to 1 auto grow. Keep me in mind though, id love to run that in the future!
No, mate. I am crossing all Autos so all crosses will be 100% Auto, or as much Auto as any is, 99%.