Wow thanks a lot guys. What a support crew. You guys always make me feel better. Life has just been getting me down lately..
JM and WVR> He is in the same conditions the other two males were in, and those did great. I collected Diesel Dan's pollen today actually and bagged the rest of him for the official start of my 'hash bag'. He was so stinky especially after drying out some. Man Muddy was right about the DRs, even the males stink so good! I packed a pretty big bowl of his flowers for the smoke test because my fiance' wanted to get in on it, plus we are out of pot currently, which blows an doesn't help my shit mood. Anyway, we smoked away several hits each. We both got a tiny buzz, mostly the 'eye buzz' as I call it, not stoned or anything, but we felt it, so that's good. Got a little more of his pollen than Charlie the MI5. Now I have both stored in the cool little plastic capsules I got, wrapped in a sammich bag, labeled, and into a small tupperware in the freezer.
They're in a home-made box I made for the males a while back. It's a cardboard box with a smaller box fan fit and taped into the side. Intake slits are on all sides for air to pull in, but the whole top is open with two 2 foot T5ho's laying across the top for light. That's it. It's on the other end of the house in the laundry room. Room temps and 24 hour light. Probably low humidity, whatever our house stays at, which seems to be around 30%. The AC runs almost all the time for heat and general comfort of course. He is dropping pods but NO pollen at all. Sucks because he is huge! Yesterday I found him laying down on the job because he is so top heavy from all the pod clusters. I dunno... And yes they have been watering and drying out with 4-5 days in between. When I pulled the other two they had pretty fair root balls for just a month old, they were strong plants. Funny thing, I never checked their runoff and sometimes just fed them straight water un ph'd, they're in a cardboard box and somewhat neglected compared to the tent ya know, and they did/are doing so much better than the stuff in the tent. Something's gotta give.
Hugo>>>Thanks to you man. I enjoy your words. I haven't been feeding them bloom nutes, it's too early. That was the Crit Mass from last grow that is still in there flowering. Sorry I guess it can get confusing. The MI5 and DR have only gotten veg, root, seaweed, and Silica and nothing over 350ppm. They got that twice I think. I haven't fed them any more nutes for over a week now, just plain water trying to rectify the ph. I didn't know that about the Silica Blast, I thought it would just take what it needs from that, It's just potash basically.. Good point. No I did not add coco. Just plain Promix with a little added perlite. PLAIN perlite. That's it. When I get the ph back on I will go simpler on the feeds. Just use veg and that's it. Then maybe I can slowly work in the Bio Root, Weed, Diamond Black periodically for humic acids and the Silica Blast after I get going. I see what you mean. Many thanks to you man. Seriously..
Thanks Fullauto, Growbee, JM, WVR, KushT, Stashmouth and Hugo and everyone else too for that matter.