Spider Mites- need advice please?

...forgot-- welcome to AFN, sister!:bighug:... have you started a journal thread yet? or visited Introductions? And nice work spotting the vermin and dropping the hammer right away! :slap:
Thanks Man, i feel welcomed. Why is there no hating on newbs here lol Ah yous are all sound yous are. I really appreciate the time you and others took to help and advise me. Oh i've been to intro's, cheers. I'd like to do a grow diary, it would be a challenge in consistancy.
I was just lucky. I kinda 'felt' something was wrong so I looked better than usual. I am so lucky they are small, if I had SM's with me 3ft Quick One I would be crying. It seems 'containable' now that I am aware of them. I sleep in the same room as them, and often dream about them, the dream that made me look was a dream there was 'stuff' all over them- With me Quick One (best eva grow) i had a dream one night she had brown smelly colas. Next morning i pulled her out and found ONE piece of bud-rot, I didn't know what bud rot was at the time. Mad, eh?
Waira- would isopropyl alch do or do i have to buy vodka? I'd buy me plants a round any day, don't get me wrong.
Love this place. Peace.
brother waira :bow:you are the most helpful guy on the forum:bighug: I would ask you to look up a product for spider mite's, called MIGHTY WASH, and see if it could be recommended to people on afn, it is a very good organic fix for spider mite's :biggrin: also, welcome aboard GG :toke: and a slap for waira for being there for the new grower's:slap:
Hi, thanks for the link Corgy, but i'm nervous about electricity. Just give me a safe plug-in something. Phsysics would not be my forte. See, i can't even spell it!
I wish I had the cajones to give that a go. I have R.O. water, it is 17ppm . But seeing them plug it in... for me that would go "BOOM!".
SM populace seems non existant at 21.5C, and both larger plants are absolutely thriving. The largest is shooting up and out at a surprising rate. She looks about twice as big as she was 2 days ago, gotta love that rapid growth spurt. Friday they got a dose of Rhino Skin so I dunno if its that or nature. I'm surprised they are growing a all at an avg of 20c- 19 at night, 22 day. I also give them a couple of hours less light, it is only until tomorrow . I've heard messing about with light schedules might let them hermy , but then I'veread of and know someone in person doing the 'gaslight' or Pietrie 12 hrs on, 1 hour off , 5 1/2 hours on, or vice versa-something like that.
The baby TDs haven't grown as much, and i am hoping that the SM's didn't f**k them up, I think they were munching away at the top of the stalk, just under the cotyledons.I found a couple of the sly fuktards up therewith the water/ vodka wipe. They seem in stasis compared to the other 2. One needs transplanting (I know!!! they hate it!!) from the mini pot she was germed in, her sister in an 11ltr pot is doing noticably better. She's in in a 200ml pot. And dry, so I may as well transplant today to free that tap root.

Looks like I'll be running the 2 tents, I have another 300w LED. Anyway, get rid of the SMs first I guess , hurry up tomorrow!
I have not seen one now in 24 hours. The front small pot is a dry pot of coco with a fairy in it. In my country a belief is held by the older folk that dedicating a small piece of your land to the fairy folk will keep your harvest safe from harm. My cousins have a fairy fort on their land, and there is something mystical about it. Yeh, I'm away with he fairies , you don't need to tell me I'm lunar.
I love Sundays, ye don't feel guilty fir not getting dressed and watching netflix in bed with a pot of coffee. Happy Sunday, AFN'ers!
:smoking: Rhino skin is Si supplement, always good to include for many reasons, though it doesn't help with mites directly... check this link out to Si benefits: (https://www.autoflower.org/threads/link-to-silica-benefits.47356/)
... light hours has zero effect on mites, far as I know,...
... seedlings weren't hit much at all, right? they might be lagging a bit from the reduce light/T, maybe the treatment too,.. keep in mind, there's more going on below than above at this stage as well, so let's see what a few days brings,... transplanting isn't bad per se, it's when and how it gets done that makes or mucks the plant up! it's all about a) not root cramping, and b) minimal impact on the roots! I've seen the Sweet Seeds guys do grows where they transplant twice, and got stellar results, doing it just right,... when you do, here's a great trick: for the hole you make for the seedling, use the exact same pot it's in to shape a perfect pocket in the new pot by setting it in there and filling around it; remove, and voila'-- a perfect fit! Remove the seedling/soil intact, completely, if you can...this is the critical and tricky part! --soil/medium needs to be moist, but not freshly watered and heavy, or it will crumble and shred microfilament roots,... I tilt it on the side, tap sides or light squeeze, to free it up.. sometimes from there, you can slide it out ever so gently, supporting the soil plug well, and slip it right in.. otherwise, if it sticks some, put the seedling between your fingers, and invert the pot, tapping bottom to knock it free.. lift gently to see if it's loose, then tilt sideways again and slip it out, then into pocket,... Of course, all this drama can be avoided if you plant direct! ...tiering is another method, another lecture- :crying:
...Cheers to the Faeries, GG! :cheers: ... hope she likes the disco lights in there...:dancer: :greenthumb::rofl:
GG-- great idea mate, the wipe down! :amazon: I do that on other plants too, when eggs are attached, as well as larvae and adults, allowing you to catch, remove and confirm the vermins!... use a 50/50 alcohol soln. to moisten the pad with- :hothot: .... thankfully, you seem to have a low level infestation--scattered mites, no webbing, very minimal damage-- Way to catch it early!- :d5:...they can literally explode in population under the right conditions :nono: .... dug further into the PV; I see a EU ban on it due to toxicity to bees (might be what the shop guy was referring to),... thiamethoxam is a so called neonicotinoid, and the abamectin is bacterial derived neurotoxin, just like spinosad is- :thumbsup: So, when in veg, I think this will be okay, but because the neonic' is systemic, I still say don't use it on blooming/near blooming plants,... *ah--new post just now!*--- okay, the combo Azamax and spinosad product (Capt'n Jack's is one of them) will cover you very well for nearly anything, at all stages of life,... I know the Aza' is spendy, but it goes a long way, so buy small if you like,... There are conc. spinosad products to (Monterey brand; not sure about over the pond though), but some research likely will turn up an equivalent! I like the the low residuals spinosad leaves behind (it organic/food safe, BTW, like the Aza' is) ... Oh!-- Also, be sure to get a water spreader/wetting agent as well(several choices out there; Coco Wet is popular)... this stuff is a neutral surfactant, like a mild detergent; it takes the surface tension out of the soln. you're spraying, so it coats and sticks far better (vs beading up), cutting through the natural water repellancy bugs have,... and any sort of foliar feeding, deficiency treatments, or even rehydrating dry stubborn soil/media, it improves performance-- in the former case case, the more surface area covered, the more absorbed :biggrin: --- (spray pot sides too, just to be safe!)

:crying:Cheers to that GG! :cheers: -- this place is still a sausage fest', for some unfathomable reason! :shrug: We have some lady growers, others are under "alternative" names, but i total, they are a small minority,... silly, as our Lady-in-Chief, Aunty Mossy, the Bossette, is one of the original auto breeders from way back! Look into Dragons, her creations, which were then bred and diversified by several fine folks,... some are still out there, plus new crosses... I'm not sure, because of your newness, if access to the Dragon Meds Section is open to you.. check it out!
:eek1:-- thrips are evasive just like that-- I've seen them scurry for cover before when I'm scoping for them!:cuss:

I am teaching a female grower right now she's on here frapachew or something is her name on afn