New Grower Spider mites infestation?

Nov 29, 2015
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Ouch! I harvested two weeks ago and touched some leaves with spider webs with my bare hands and once in a while i have enormous urge to scratch myself. It is mostly on my legs and once my whole body was itching. When i scratch small bloody wounds remain about the size of a needle tip. I was washing and furiously scratching wounds. I googled and found out that maybe mites are problem whereas some pages say that spider mites dont attack human.

What do you think? Did you have any experience like this? Is it possible that i am infestes with mites or maybe i am having allergic reaction( lots of spiky bushes in my site)??
O would guess that it would be more to the side of your growing site sounds more like it. I have been mountain biking and fell into stinging nettles and had a similar reaction. Spider mites are so small but that doesn't mean it could not be but the chances are you may have brushed up against something like a nettle but the reaction to the whole body is interesting. Hope you find out whats wrong and get some relief.
Get some tea tree oil soap or something. It has antiseptic and soothing qualities. It will kill bacteria that cause out breaks and acne. Also if you think you have microscopic barbs, do not scratch them into the skin deeper. Use tape to pull them out.
I will try that tea tree soap and let you know the results :)
in the south we have a bug called red bug they dig into your skin they are bad for people.