Spider Mites

HAHAHAH Glad I could add fuel to the inside joke!

I got some mites and yes it was half the price in shipping. I just want to have a remedy if I need it. It's an AF obviously so I understand the hands-on necessity of care and attention.
DE is mechanical and has no effect on the flowers except killing the vagrants. As MOG pointed out, hot shot no pest strips are a strong insecticide that is released to the area it's hung in. All I can add is that I've never had mites again...since I've used no pest strips for 15 yrs, I can detect no effect me effect me effect me on myself.....

So it doesn't necessarily attract them and get them stuck (like a white fly or gnat), but the chemical in the enclosed space is enough to treat them?Do you use the strips every grow or only if you notice an issue?
So it doesn't necessarily attract them and get them stuck (like a white fly or gnat), but the chemical in the enclosed space is enough to treat them?Do you use the strips every grow or only if you notice an issue?
Actually I keep a pest strip in my veg room at all times. My issues are never bugs.... The only preventative I ever use. They last 2-3 months, then I move the older strips to the flower tent. As I've had absolutely no crawlies of any kind for years, I can only assume the HSNPS are the key.
Being retired from the chemical industry, I recommend knowing your weapons and how they work for ya. ...my theory is that a HSNPS treated plant in veg carries with it a type of immunity through its remaining short life...with a weaker HSNPS keeping watch.
I have never had the displeasure of spider mites. I did recently remedy a aphid problem with a product called Pyganic. The instructions says that mites are also on the Pyganic kill list. I pulled all plants outside and then mixed up my pump sprayer and hosed then down well with a water and Pyganic mix. Then the plants should be dry and wait 24 hours before going under the lights. Hose them under the leaves and top. If you treat them I would do it as far before harvest as you can I do not recall the wait time (before harvest) I seem to remember it was not long. My research shows that there is not any studies on Pyganic being used on cannabis because cannabis is still federally illegal. But Pyganic is used in the food industry on vegetables and fruit trees. I think this bottle was 30 bucks. Good luck, A lot of good advice already been posted above and let this post be another tool in the box.


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Give your plant a shot of tonic :haha: A foliar feed of 5 parts fulvic acid, 2 Parts Kelp, B-vitamins and some yucca powder (surfactant) can help convert ammonium nitrate in the plant to proteins and the mites will find the plant less attractive.

This is a good explanation:

Then if you need to get more pro active I would look at Spinosad. Then wash your bud at harvest.


I just found spider mite markings on a couple leaves. Of course I’m in panic mode right now - the one “good” thing I can say about it is they aren’t the cannabis-specialist mites - they’re from my succulent planter downstairs, I think. Not sure if that helps my prognosis...

Regarding the recipe above, is there a form of b vitamin that’s better to use in this preparation? I found a few below on amazon, but they're all "starter" or hormone solutions, it seems. Also, @Mañ'O'Green , is the above recipe 5 parts fulvic, 2 parts kelp, 1 part B-vitamin and 1 part yucca? Mixed into say a quart of water? Sorry if these questions are dumb - still wrapping my head around this problem tbh. I watched the video you linked to but didn't see the part where he mentioned that recipe. The other variables for ammonium production (high leaf temp, wet soil, too many nutes) were insightful though. Thanks!!


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I just found spider mite markings on a couple leaves. Of course I’m in panic mode right now - the one “good” thing I can say about it is they aren’t the cannabis-specialist mites - they’re from my succulent planter downstairs, I think. Not sure if that helps my prognosis...

Regarding the recipe above, is there a form of b vitamin that’s better to use in this preparation? I found a few below on amazon, but they're all "starter" or hormone solutions, it seems. I’ve got vitamin b for this recipe. Any insight? Thanks!!

Amazon product ASIN B000OVE5YC
Amazon product ASIN B0001XGP7I
I use NPK Industries RAW B-Vitamins.
Good read, this thread. I fear the bastards myself. Thought I might have had them my last photo grow, I started seeing fk'n holes in a few leaves. Turns out my oldest cat had found a way inside my tent, LMAO. Dang cat somehow entered through a tent port hole and exited the same way.

I cut old window screen, in a circular pattern, inserted it into port hole and cinched it up. Inside and outside cinched. The plants survived but were a bit shorter then usual......

But bugs creep me out, bought DE the first time I saw the holes. Never did apply it.
Lol! My plants are in a giant dog crate after the cats chewed on them.

Thanks for everyone's contributions on this thread! Super helpful!! I found spider mites on my plants 4 days ago.

Thanks to all of you :-) I was able to diagnose that I'd stressed them with nutrient lock out by overfertilizing with P & K. To correct that I used about a tablespoon of organic molasses and 1/4 tsp of BioAg TM7 (powder) in about a gallon of water per plant.
I wanted to try the Rejuvenate product, but shipping was $$. I couldn't find the recipe either, so I improvised based on the recommended ingredients. My plants greened right back up and no more brown spots are appearing.

I ordered some predator bugs too, because I garden a lot outside and spider mites seem to get to even my regular house plants at least once a year. Hoping to have predators lying in wait for them next time ;-)

Just a very few more weeks to my first harvest.
4 plants pineapple auto, buds hopefully not covered in webs ;-) Thanks everyone!
I just found spider mite markings on a couple leaves. Of course I’m in panic mode right now - the one “good” thing I can say about it is they aren’t the cannabis-specialist mites - they’re from my succulent planter downstairs, I think. Not sure if that helps my prognosis...

Regarding the recipe above, is there a form of b vitamin that’s better to use in this preparation? I found a few below on amazon, but they're all "starter" or hormone solutions, it seems. Also, @Mañ'O'Green , is the above recipe 5 parts fulvic, 2 parts kelp, 1 part B-vitamin and 1 part yucca? Mixed into say a quart of water? Sorry if these questions are dumb - still wrapping my head around this problem tbh. I watched the video you linked to but didn't see the part where he mentioned that recipe. The other variables for ammonium production (high leaf temp, wet soil, too many nutes) were insightful though. Thanks!!



Following up on this, 11 days later. I've seen zero new signs of mites despite moderate defoliation of lower leaves in the past 10 days as flowering starts up. It seems like keeping the leaf temps below 74 and the fans on have helped a lot, along with a spray of Diatomaceous Earth on the soil and lower leaves, and otherwise I haven't even had to make the foliar spray yet. I'm hoping I just got lucky and nabbed them super early, and/or they were a weaker variety who preferred my succulents downstairs. I am ready for the first sign of trouble though!