New Grower Speed Bud - Auto Kush Grow!


AKA - HOG & Proud to be a DEPLORABLE!
Cultivators Club
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
OK, I have two girls poking their lovely heads through today (about 1/2"), so I am considering today 1/25 as their Date of Birth!

One girl looks normal, the other is slightly deformed but this is only their first day out of the germination container and under the light!

I hope I am not jinxing myself. I thought about waiting until I know for sure that they are stable and thriving in my environment, but I am excited to get some going.

I had some germination issues with some seeds and the new ones cracked right away. Thanks again to The Attitude for sticking behind their products they sell!

With that all being said I am using 70% Fox Farms Happy Frog 30% Perlite.

I have Cal Mag, Molasses and Fox Farms Trio.

I have my water aerated.

Other than that, I ask that large amounts of bud karma be sent to the girls!


I will update in a few days with a pick if all goes well from this point.


Until then, have a great day and hug someone you love!

good luck with the new starts :smokeit:
keep er lit
One of my girls is looking strong, the other not so good!

I have them in Peat Pods and set down in to my medium with a dome over them to protect them a bit.

I am pretty sure the sickly looking girl is the last seed from the initial pack of seeds that I couldn't get germinated. I had a four pack and they just would not germinate, and since my tents only big enough for three plants growing at a time. I saved the last one. It confirms to me that it was not my germination style, but maybe a bad bunch of seeds. But, hey that happens!

I dropped another one in to the germination station from the new pack in case she succumbs at least I'll have another one locked and loaded!
Things haven't changed any. One girl is looking really good and I'll post a pic soon. The other one is still looking bad.

When it sprouted the leaves were not there. I have a stalk but no leaves?

I tried to germ another one and I soaked it in water until it sunk, but it never cracked??
I have never had issues like this!
One girl never developed leaves and after several days, I pulled her out.

I have one that's chugging along pretty well and I started a few others that were officially above soil on the 11th.

I will upload pics at some point when I have a tent full of girls growing.
Pictures of my oldest girl coming this week!!!!

Also pics of my other girls as well!

Stay tuned.......:baby:
Here is my Auto Kush at 31 days... I know she looks a little weird, but she is looking like the last Auto's I grew and I'm sure she'll be ok. I am trying some basic LST, but I'm not really sure what I'm doing.
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