New Grower Sour Stomper and 3 Bears OG

Nov 11, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Greetings all and welcome to my second grow. My first grow was an awesome learning experience and I got some nice smoke to boot. This round I'll be going with Mephisto genetics Sour Stomper and 3 Bears OG. Super excited about these strains. I'll also be switching things up a bit. I bought AN Nutes and some 5 gallon Air-pots. I was a bit underwhelmed by KindSoil, although I'm sure mostly grower error, and wanted more control. I'll be using Sensi Bloom a&b, Voodoo Juice, Carboload and Overdrive. I also have GO CalMg + if needed. I'll be growing 1 of each strain and each will have its own 300w mars hydro LED in a 2x4x5 tent. I just now filled the pots and dropped the seeds in water, in 20 hours I'll put them in damp paper towels till tap roots show, then directly in soil.
Anywho, should be a fun grow. Cheers and Happy Growing to all! :smokeout:
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Thanks guys! Time for a quick update. My second Nirvana Northern Lights is about 3 weeks from the axe. She got hit with the same KindSoil defeciencies as my first but is trucking away and frosting up very nicely.
And I Woke up today to a beautiful site. Both the 3 Bears OG and the Sour Stomper broke the surface! Looking forward to these genetics and a fun grow.
As always, thanks for popping in and happy growing AFN!
Thanks guys! Time for a quick update. My second Nirvana Northern Lights is about 3 weeks from the axe. She got hit with the same KindSoil defeciencies as my first but is trucking away and frosting up very nicely.
And I Woke up today to a beautiful site. Both the 3 Bears OG and the Sour Stomper broke the surface! Looking forward to these genetics and a fun grow.
As always, thanks for popping in and happy growing AFN! View attachment 703591View attachment 703592View attachment 703593View attachment 703594View attachment 703595View attachment 703596
Looking great!! If ya don mind,i'll be hanging here for a while!! Awesome setup ya got going on!!
very nice! i just recently got to try a little sourstomper. stuff is killer and the 3 bears is dope too. im currently doing a few sourstompers skystompers and 1 heisenberg special. im all subbed up. feel free to click my current grow link to check out our tent. they just got 1st ponytail last night. its been pretty exciting so far! good luck bro
@budelee Happy to have you bro. @ashton i was just checking out your grow, looking great!

Time for another update. Nothing too exciting to report with the Mephistos. Both looking happy and healthy and just starting to show their second set of true leaves. I believe photos are on day 4.
The Northern Lights is really bulking up and putting on the trichs! For the last week I added sensi a/b, carbo load, and Overdrive @ 1ml/L along with GO CalMg+. Perhaps a placebo effect but to me this has made a huge improvement. Density and bulk is looking great. Another few weeks for a nice harvest!
As always, thanks for dropping in and happy growing AFN!
@budelee Happy to have you bro. @ashton i was just checking out your grow, looking great!

Time for another update. Nothing too exciting to report with the Mephistos. Both looking happy and healthy and just starting to show their second set of true leaves. I believe photos are on day 4.
The Northern Lights is really bulking up and putting on the trichs! For the last week I added sensi a/b, carbo load, and Overdrive @ 1ml/L along with GO CalMg+. Perhaps a placebo effect but to me this has made a huge improvement. Density and bulk is looking great. Another few weeks for a nice harvest!
As always, thanks for dropping in and happy growing AFN! View attachment 706016View attachment 706017View attachment 706018View attachment 706019
Hwooot dang look at that monster...hmmm will she be in next months POM?