La Buena Hierba sour diesel haze auto grow

20130619_072341.jpg20130619_072348.jpg20130619_072254.jpg20130619_072305.jpg here are the 2 males, first 2 pics are of male #1 and 3rd and 4th are of male #2. Who do you guys think I should keep to collect pollen from?
Came home from work to a busted timer, loyal lil guy, I had him for 6 years. Oh well plants had a few extra hours of no loss. Im not too concerned about it much cuz im just gonna keep lights on 24hrs, its gonna be a battle of attrition between myself and the heat tho lol
Wonderful, the gf just txt me and said that the whole complex where we live has no power. Looks like the ladkes are gonna get stuck in the dark for an extra 10 or more hours with no moving air or anything to cool them down. And on top of it all the gf has to endure the heat with them. Total bullshit
Just got the word that the power is back on and all systems are a go! Temps and rh back in check and everybody seems unaffected. Thanks to the old lady temps are back down to 75 from damn near 100. Dont know what id do without my garden guardian at home while i work.
day 23 for the 6 not so tiny lil ones. Both males were have been pulled. So the dirty lil girls were begging for some bondage last night, and who am I to say no. Sooooo, they all were bound and gagged and loved it. Heres a few pics of them. More bondage next week.
Quick update.........the gf dont smoke but she insisted I cut a couple buds early of the sdh cuz she wanted to try it. So......... all pics will be minus 3 branches lol
DAY 61 shes extremely frosty(my pics dont do her justice) and rediculously dense! Shes been on a pure r/o water diet for a week now, so heres hoping to a finish in the next 14 days or so. Mad props to lbh and flash for such an amazing strain. Sh3 has truely been a joy to grow. She never fails to put a smile on my face when I see and smell her. I highly reccomend this strain to all! Even if you dont like sativa doms, shes just pure fun to grow.