La Buena Hierba sour diesel haze auto grow

20130614_071316.jpg20130614_071231.jpg20130614_071334.jpg a few shots of the haze out of the grow room :smoke:
And then there was 7 lil ones. Looks like the freak will be riden solo from here on out. Her pot buddy just showed that HE is no longer an it lol farewell lil guy RIP
Woke up to the male I uprooted last night and threw onto the compost pile trying to stand back up and take root RESILIANT LIL BASTARD! so I felt bad and repotted him. If he makes it ill definately be collecting his pollen
20130616_213427.jpg20130616_213353.jpg20130616_171041.jpg20130616_213403.jpg20130616_171029_1.jpg20130615_164702.jpg20130616_213012.jpg a few update shots of the haze and of the 8 lil ones. The sdh looks great and smells amazing, filling in fairly well also and has been covering any and all area she possibly can with trichs. The male I found with the freak is apparently part of the team again, he pulled thru so......... anyway there is one other confirmed male in the medium size green pot and 1 female, the other 5 are taking thier time in showing. Well thats all really, alls good and running smoothly. :toke:
20130618_064829.jpg20130618_064511.jpg20130618_064829.jpg20130618_064528.jpg20130618_064556.jpg20130618_064636.jpg20130618_064655.jpg day 47 and theres id not a thing I can complain about with this lovely lady. She has been an absolute joy to grow so far, theres no signs thats going to change either.
Looking very nice. This is a great stain, you're going to love it. Still my favorite day time smoke.
Quick update for the 8 lil ones, so far the freak and 4 others are confirmed females and 2 are confirmed males and there is one taking its sweet ass time showing. They are at day 15. I think im going to move both males into one po5t and let them duke it out for the top choice of collecting pollen, I think we will call their pot the thunder dome. Ill put up some pics in the morning when I get off work.
Total head count for the kvs x snow ryders is 6 females and 2 males. I decided to only keep one male, idk which one I like better so ill put some pictures up in a few and let all of you decide. The sdh looks amazing, she got a ewc tea last night and exploded with trich production over night. Pics of her coming soon also.