2 of the new sdh beans have been planted in their 44oz cups to live in till they show sex. The 3rd bean has not popped as of yet
How many days from seed iImean? im asking for another person
nice...i'll be watching
I had terrible luck with males my first attempt on these out of 8 2 didn't germ and 5 out of 6 were male. Luckily I got one female. The male I pollinated her with was the best male I've ever had period, the female however was a little wimpy at first she would not have been my pick for selection. But at the end she yielded over an oz and gave me like 50 offspring to get it right with. I can't comment on a smoke report because I let her go extra long to make sure seeds were ready. The buds are pretty much copper color, and not tasty. I'm certain it's because I let it go 2 weeks beyond harvest and got sloppy with keeping her watered. Mine should be popping any day now it's been 3. I'm excited this is the first time I've found another journal with the same strain at the same time. I'll keep mine up to date if you need reference. Cheers!