La Buena Hierba sour diesel haze auto grow

Hey man to get better fem numbers get temps to 70 and hit with more N..was reading that boost your chances for fem ALLOT..maybe too late for this round but maybe next one:2cents::tiphat:
I was wrong, #2 is also a male. I have 3 sdh beans left, I will germ them later. 1 and 2 will be losing thier large pots in favor of 1 gal pots. All 3 will have pollen collected from them, shhh dont tell the other 2 plants but #2 is my favorite. Its the exact replica of the female I had prior.
Sorry to hear all went butch on you bro, it does give you a nice batch of pollen though :)
Sending Fem Karma for the other 2 beans
Thanks bro. Its 3 new beans tho lol I better get atleast one female lol just got notified that my new order is in chicago, dunno what to thknk at this point.

its a damn shame this plant-#2 ended up being a male. But then again, as far as males go, this one is a very nice specimen. He will definately be used to make more sdh. Given I end up with a female lol

here are the last 3 sdh beans I have. I soaked them this morning and they all sank, so they will be germed in a damp warm paper towel, then set in their pots. Im REALLY hoping for atleast one female.

meles #'s 1,2 and 3. Males 1 and 2 have been moved from their 5gal pots into 1gal each. #3 is staying put in his 44oz home. We are now awaiting 2 or 3 new members to the party. Hopefully a lady or 2. Its quite the sausage fest in the closet at the moment.